Mrs N’s Notes, 21.4.23

Week 2 menus coming up!


Transition events for our new P.1 pupils and P.7 heading to high school continue this term.

This week we welcomed a number of families who have children starting P.1 in August.  I hope I was able to put the minds of the parents and carers at ease, while the children got the chance to work in the P.1 classroom.  If you missed this meeting, or are still awaiting a placing request outcome, please don’t worry.  Your child will still get the opportunity to visit us twice before the summer – all children will get the same offer.  Our next planned visit is on the morning of 23rd May, when everyone will get the chance to eat lunch together and I will get the chance to meet more of you.

The P.7 pupils who are going to Coatbridge High will be heading up there this afternoon for a Science Lesson with their new teachers.  I can’t wait to hear what they have been up to when they return.  I know they will make us proud and be excellent ambassadors for our school!


With Coatbridge High School being a Hub for Rugby within NLC, it is a very popular sport within the Coatbridge Cluster.  We were delighted to welcome Active Schools back this week for a further Rugby session with our P.7 class.  It is great to see this better weather which lets us make more use of the grass pitch.  Long may it last! We are looking forward to more opportunities to get out on the pitch over the coming weeks.


Once again, we are indebted to Mr Gall and our P.7 class for all the work they put into their Bring & Buy Sale before the Easter holidays.  After a few late money donations, the grand total is now sitting at £428.52!  Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this in any way.  P.7 will not be holding onto all that cash for themselves though!  They are using it to ensure their families do not need to pay any additional money towards their school trip to the Science Centre in May.  In addition they are hiring some bouncy castles for our Coronation Celebration and also buying some snacks for the whole school to enjoy that week!  Superstars, every one of them!


In the lead up to the King’s Coronation on 6th June, we are planning a FUN 31 WEEK.  We are only at school 3 days that week, so we intend to mark the occasion by having special events each day.

  • Wed 3 June – Family Walk (an opportunity for families to join us as we carry out a Litter-Pick and Rights March around the local community)
  • Thu 4 June – Pitch Party (games, sports and picnics, hopefully altogether outdoors if the weather is kind!)
  • Fri 5 June (be King of the BOUNCY castle for a day…with inflatables hired by P.7!!)

Details of the above events will be emailed out to families early next week.  If you are the main contact for your child and you are not receiving emails, please contact our school office to get that fixed.


All classes will have gone on an educational excursion by June.  We have a few more trips still to come:

  • 16 May – Rooms 14 & 10 to the Glasgow Science Centre
  • 13 June – Room 9 to the Transport Museum
  • 14 June – Rooms 2 & 3 to Calderglen Country Park
  • 21 June – Room 5 to New Lanark

Each class will be provided with a letter detailing the individual arrangements for each trip.


  • 1 May – May Day holiday
  • 2 May – In-Service Training Day (children do not attend)
  • 8 May – Bank Holiday for King’s Coronation
  • 26 & 29 May – Local holiday
  • 28 June – school closes at 1pm for the summer holiday


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