Mrs N’s Notes, 30.9.22

Week 2 Menu for the week ahead in both nursery and school.


Please remember that we no longer have a Crossing Patrol Officer (Lollipop Lady) at lunchtime.  This has been the case for a few years now.  As a result, we ask that any child going home for lunch is collected from the school office.  As you know, the traffic on Old Monkland Road can be very heavy throughout the day, with large vehicles, such as buses and lorries, also regularly passing the front gates.  We want to make sure all our pupils are safe during the school day and we value your help in this way.

We have also had 2 incidents this week where local residents could not access their driveway/private parking spot due to parents and carers blocking their right of way.  Please continue to park legally and safely to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved.  We value the good will of our neighbours and aim to keep everyone happy.


This week we have been celebrating Maths Week Scotland in all classes.  Our youngest learners in the nursery welcomed family members to stay and play with a Maths theme.  We were delighted to welcome so many adults to join in the fun each morning.  Thank you all for your input.

Each class in the school had a particular focus and 6 brave pupils from the senior classes volunteered to take part in a head-to-head tables challenge during Assembly on Thursday.  We were all very impressed by your confidence and skill!

Next week is Digital Literacy Week.  I can’t wait to see what new skills I’m going to see on display.  Only yesterday Mrs McGarry and I had a tutorial in trouble shooting PC problems from a P.4 whizz kid! (Thank you, Isla H! Now we both know what to do when that error message pops up!).  In addition, we have a new Tech Team being created by Mr Haggarty and I now have technical support to lead us all in Assembly.   I’m glad to say, Pupil Leadership is back in full-swing this year!  Where would we be without them?


This week you should have received an email with our plans for a Harvest Celebration to be held on Thursday 13th October.  We are all too aware that not all families will be in a position to make a donation this year and we do not want you to feel any obligation to take part.  However, we are giving those families who want to contribute the option of donating dried or tinned food that we will pass on to St James Way and the Coatbridge Foodbank.  We’ll be accepting any donations from Monday 10th October, with delivery being made on 14th October, before our holiday week.


Our Parent Council will meet online on Monday 3rd October at 7pm.  If you wish to join the WebEx Meeting, please contact me via the school office and I will share the details with you.  Alternatively you can contact any member of the Parent Council, who will all be glad to help.


It was an absolute pleasure at Assembly this week to announce the results of the recent pupil ballot to elect our House Captains and Vice Captains for the year ahead.  Many P.7 pupils had written and recorded speeches that every class was able to listen to and then each child could make an individual vote.  The results are as follows:

Dundyvan Captain – Kayla

Vice Captains – Scott & Kayden

Rosehall Captain – Annabelle

Vice Captain – Mason

Summerlee Captain – Lucas M

Vice Captain – Summer

Waverley Captain – Toby

Vice Captain – Katie P

Well done and thank you to everyone who took part.


School and Nursery will both be closed from Monday 17th October through to Friday 21st October for our October Week holiday.  We open at the usual times on Monday 24th October.

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