Mrs N’s Notes, 9.9.22

Week 2 Menus coming up in both the school and nursery

Please remember that P.1-P.5 pupils automatically receive a free school breakfast and lunch, but P.6 & 7 pupils are required to have money added to their lunch card BEFORE they purchase a meal.  The exception to this is families who are in receipt of a free meal.  If you believe you would be due free meals or clothing grants please visit the council website and apply for this directly.

Apply for free school meals – click here for more information


Yesterday we had our accreditation visit for the Rights Respecting School Award.  Led by Mr Sharp, the entire school community has been working towards our Silver Accreditation for the past few years…throughout several lockdowns and unexpected disruption!  We are delighted to announce WE ARE NOW A SILVER RRSA SCHOOL.  This is thanks to the dedication of everyone in our school community as we have ensured this is built into all aspects of school life.  However, we’re not stopping now.  As a team we are now GOING FOR GOLD!


If you are free next Thursday morning our Parent Council are planning a Coffee Morning to kick off their fundraising for this year.  It is also a great chance for you to catch up with old friends, and maybe make some new ones, over a cuppa.

Th Parent Council is provisionally planning their next meeting for the evening of Monday 19th September.  More information to follow.


Click here to visit the School Improvements page on our website. This has been updated for the new school session.

You can view how we spent our PEF allocation last year on our school website, or by clicking here.


Thank you to everyone who has already paid for your child’s pantomime ticket.  Please remember this needs to be paid in full by next Friday at the latest, as we are required to pay the Concert Hall at this time.

PLEASE CALL THE SCHOOL OFFICE IF THIS IS A PROBLEM. No pupil will miss out on this trip due to financial constraints.


Homework is now underway in all classes.

Following our Parental Homework Survey in June 2022 we have altered our homework planning this year.  The vast majority of parents asked for a simplified homework plan to be completed on paper weekly.  Teachers are therefore sending home a range of tasks on a Monday with the request that these are returned on a Thursday each week.  As always, we expect you to do what is right for your family.  No child is expected to spend hours on homework each night and we do not want to cause any undue stress to your family.  If there are weeks you cannot complete all homework tasks, we would ask that you prioritise the READING  tasks set, as these tie in closely with ongoing class work.


I know the weather is turning as we move into autumn, but we continue to encourage our pupils to walk, cycle or scoot to school.  I also know that some families must use a car to travel, but would ask that you park a short distance from the school gates and encourage your child to walk a little.  This will reduce parking congestion, improve air quality at the school entrance and reduce the risk of an accident.  PLEASE AVOID PARKING ON ANY YELLOW ROAD MARKINGS OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL GROUNDS BOTH IN THE MORNING AND AT 3pm.   The staff car park should not be used for drop off or pick up at any time.  Thank you for  your help in this.


Please remember that the school and nursery will both be closed for the local September Weekend holiday on Friday 23rd and Monday 26th September.

October Week is a little later than usual this week: closing at the usual time on Friday 14th October and reopening on Monday 24th October.

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