Mrs N’s Notes, 4.2.22

Week 2 Menus will be served in both the school and nursery in the coming week.


Our annual Scottish Assembly always takes place at the beginning of February (giving us the whole of January to practise).  Well, today was the day!  On our Teams Assembly every class took part, sharing poetry and song, whilst also showing off a vast range of Scottish-inspired art work.  What a treat! Here are just a few of today’s performers…

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Huge thanks must go to every family member who got involved in the practice stages, all our amazing teachers and, of course, our fabulous learners too.  It wiz braw!


Our House Captains and Vice Captains continue to work with Mr Sharp to plan regular competitions.  Today they announced the winners of the Writing Competition.  Well done to all our winners.  Next week we have our Maths Quiz and today we learned of the next competition – that will be an Art Challenge, on the theme of Love.  As always, House Points are up for grabs, so I expect everyone will be eager to do their best!


Our partnership with Coatbridge High School continues this term, with a range of transition lessons planned, both on-line and in-person.

Over recent months we have welcomed a Rugby Coach, organised through the CHS School of Rugby.  It is a pleasure to watch our young people grow in skill and confidence through learning the game.  For any P.7 pupils wanting to apply to attend the School of Rugby in S1, we are expecting application forms to come out to you soon.

The School of Dance & Aesthetics is ahead of the game here though!  Application forms were offered to all P.7 pupils this week.  This will be followed up with auditions before the class of August 2022 is selected.  If any pupil has not collected an application form yet, I still have spare. Just come and see me…VERY SOON.

Sports Leaders from the high school will be coming to visit to work with our P.7 pupils over the coming weeks.  They will practise 4 different sports which will then be further developed during a Sports’ Day at Coatbridge High before Easter (COVID restrictions allowing).  Sounds good!

Monthly virtual lessons in P.6 & P.7 continue too.  We enjoyed taking part in the Public Speaking and Burns competitions…now we’re looking forward to the lessons prepared by the music department!


Remember we are closed from Monday 14th February to Wednesday 16th February for our mid-term break and in-service training day.


Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all back at the normal time on Monday!


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