Mrs N’s Notes, 14.1.22

Happy New Year and Welcome Back to anyone I haven’t seen this week!  It is wonderful to have so many returning after the Christmas holidays.  Obviously, we still need to be mindful of COVID-19 and we would ask you to continue to be vigilant of any symptoms in any members of  your family.  As you know, guidance is changing regularly, so please visit NHS Inform to ensure you have the latest information.

If there is an outbreak in your child’s class you will receive a letter explaining this by email.  This is for your information only.  If your child is identified as a confirmed Close Contact, you will be contacted directly by Public Health with this information.

Should you require Free Lateral Flow Tests you can order online, visit a local pharmacy or various sites within North Lanarkshire.  If you cannot source any tests we have a limited amount of stock in school.  Please call the school office if you need a Lateral Flow Kit in an emergency and we will try to help if possible.


Week 2 Menus coming up in both the school and nursery!


Our next Homework grid will be coming out to you next week.  This will be another 3-week grid.  With January having a Scottish Focus, expect some Scottish poetry or song being shared and practised at home.  In addition, we have a new idea, inspired by our House Captains and Vice-Captains… an Inter-House Writing Competition will be open to all pupils as part of January’s home-learning ideas.


Due to changing COVID restrictions, we cannot meet in person for assemblies this month, but that isn’t going to stop Kirkshaws Kids!  We moved back to Teams Assemblies today, with our House Captains and Vice-Captains leading.  They have some great ideas they are putting into action this month; a new interactive online Leaderboard, ideas for House Points, a Maths Teams competition and an individual writing competition!  We can’t wait to see how it all comes together.

We continue to invite different classes to share their learning at assemblies and don’t forget certificates and the Gold Book… I’m looking forward to next week already!


I know several children have come back to school with new coats, water bottles, etc.  Please make sure all personal items are labelled with your child’s name.  We have a pile of unnamed lost property that is steadily growing!


With several rainy days still ahead of us, could I suggest you might want to pop a spare pair of socks in your child’s school bag.  We almost ran out of school stock this week, so it would really help if everyone had their own for emergencies.

If your child has brought any items of school clothing home, please launder this  and return to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible.  Thank you.

If you have any old school uniform items at home, we would be delighted to receive them for emergency changes.  We will quarantine these to ensure we adhere to COVID guidelines.


Please remember both school and nursery applications for next session should be completed as soon as possible. Click here to get started for nursery places.

And click here for school enrolment.


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