Mrs N’s Notes, 5.11.21

Week 1 lunch menus for the week ahead in both the school and nursery.

Please remember if your child is in P.5-7 and you do not qualify for free school meals, money should be added to your child’s card BEFORE they purchase a lunch.


NHS staff visited the school this week to administer flu vaccinations to pupils and staff.  If for any reason your child did not receive it this time, there will be a ‘catch-up’ visit on Friday 26th November.


Parents’ Night appointments this term will take place over the telephone.  An email detailing booking information will be sent home by email today.  Booking will be open from 8pm on Monday 8th November and will close on Monday 15th November at 9am.


Our Nursery Parents’ Appointments will take place on Monday 22-Wednesday 24 November.  These will also be telephone appointments.  Nursery staff will arrange appointment times with families directly at drop-off and pick-up times over the coming weeks.


As a Health Promoting School we would appreciate your support in providing your child with a balanced packed lunch and a healthy snack for break-time.  We all love a sweet treat at times, but these should be kept for home-time.  Similarly, pupils should NOT bring fizzy juice into school at any time.  Please keep this as a treat to be enjoyed at home.


We are now meeting together in-person for stage assemblies.  It is wonderful for a few classes to be able to meet together for a short time once a week.  This week we shared Health & Wellbeing Certificates and Values Awards and invited some classes to share their learning.

So I thought this would be the ideal time to re-launch our Head Teacher’s Gold Book.  If your child has an achievement they are proud of, please complete a nomination form and return to your child’s teacher at any point in the week.  You can download a form below, or collect one from your child’s teacher.  Your child can also share this achievement at Assembly if they wish.

Golden Achievement Form

I look forward to hearing all about it!


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