Mrs N’s Notes, 3.9.21

Please see the menus for next week below.  These cover both the school and nursery.

ALL pupils in our nursery and Primaries 1-4, plus eligible P.5-7 pupils, receive a free meal.  All other pupils pay for a school meal.  Funds should be added to your child’s card using the online iPayimpact system.


We are all aware of the rising infection rates across the country, as restrictions are eased and more ‘normal’ activities are open to us once again.  Thank you for all your support here over recent months, but I must ask you to continue to be vigilant.  We can’t let our guard down now.  If anyone in your family is demonstrating any of the typical COVID symptoms, please follow medical advice: arrange for a PCR test and isolate as a family until you receive your results.  I know many families are using Lateral Flow tests regularly, and this must be encouraged, but these are not as accurate as the full PCR test.  Any symptoms should be followed up by a PCR test, just to be sure.

If anyone in your household is being tested, please remain at home and call the school office to keep us updated.  Thank you.

In school, we will continue to insist on the highest standard of hand hygiene to minimise the possibility of transfer of infection.  Shared touch-points, resources and surfaces will continue to be cleaned throughout the school day.  PUPILS SHOULD NOT BRING UNNECESSARY ITEMS TO SCHOOL to minimise the surfaces requiring cleaning; i.e. no toys, games, poppets, etc. brought into school please.

Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to operate staggered starts and stops – once again, to ensure we keep all our families safe.


Homework starts across the school from Monday 6th September.  We will continue with the systems set up last session.  Teachers will post homework grids, covering 3-4 week blocks, on their Class Team online.  P. 2-7 pupils will be issued with a red Home Learning Jotter that they can use at home, but there is no expectation that this jotter will travel back and forward to school.  Any homework you wish to submit should be posted on the Class Team or emailed to your child’s teacher directly.

The exception to this is Primary 1, where weekly homework packs will be distributed.

Homework Grids will be posted on your child’s Class Team, but also on the  school website, under the Menu CLASS SECTION by Monday.

If your child requires to self-isolate during the year, they should complete their homework grid in the first instance, and additional tasks will be provided to supplement this, with links to the learning taking place in school at that time.


At this time of year we would normally be booking a trip to the theatre in December.  Unfortunately, restrictions in school still mean that we cannot gather together in a large group.  We still hold our weekly assemblies on line – we are not allowed to gather in the school hall.  I know that theatres are starting to open now, but we are not free to travel or visit as a whole school group.  We will continue to monitor how restrictions change over the coming months and I will update you as things become clearer.


Similarly, we are not inviting any unnecessary visitors into the building at this point.  Across Scotland schools have been urged to keep the same rules in place that they had running in June.  We continue to adhere to this guidance.  We will continue to review all risk assessments in light of national and local advice and update you as any changes are made.  We will definitely not have any school photographs before Christmas.  We will review this again in the Spring Term.  Thank you for your support in this.  Your child’s safety is our primary concern here.


As you know, we value your views as we continually try to make improvements to benefit your child.  Over recent years we have found that on-line questionnaires suit more people and give us instant feedback.  This term we are reviewing our Core Values and Curriculum Rationale.  We are doing this with all staff and pupils too, but would appreciate YOUR help if you can take a few minutes to share your views:

Click here to complete Our VALUES AND CURRICULUM RATIONALE questionnaire

This survey will remain open for two weeks.

I know you may want to discuss this with your child, but we will be gathering the views of our learners separately.  It would be most useful if this was the views of the adults at home.  Thank you.


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