Mrs N’s Notes, 19.3.21

Week 3 Menus for next week.

Nursery Loving Lunches:

See School Menu below:


What a treat it has been this week to have everyone back in the building together.  What a team!


Many thanks to all adults who are adhering to our safety rules in and around school premises.   All adults are asked to maintain a 2m distance from other families and wear a face-covering unless they are exempt.  Please keep your own children close to you to limit their  unnecessary interactions with other families as you arrive, wait or leave.  Adults are asked not to stand close to the gates to chat to each other.  Please move away as quickly as possible to keep the entrance/exit clear for others.

Please remember there is a MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT of 20mph on Old Monkland Road at the start and end of the school day.  I would ask that you consider this too as a courtesy at the Nursery entrance, where our younger children also need to be kept safe.  Many thanks to all those who always adhere to this.

Everyone can’t have the parking spot closest to the gates.  Please park legally and be prepared to park a short distance away and walk, in order to keep your child safe.


As you know, all adults in school must try to maintain a 2m distance between each other and a 2m distance from children.  We all know that this is not always possible.  Young children regularly need hands-on help and this will never be refused.  However, staff have noticed they are having to tie a huge number of shoelaces several times each day.  This involves staff being very close to children for prolonged periods throughout the day – potentially putting your child and the staff member at risk.  If your child cannot tie their own laces, please consider velcro-fastening shoes in the future.  This will enable your child to be more independent and give them one less reason to have close contact with adults in school.


Please ensure you check all personal items coming to school are labelled with your child’s name.  We don’t want you to lose any items of clothing now that layers are being taken off in the lovely weather!


Please remember we are a NUT-FREE ZONE.  This includes any items contained within a packed lunch or playtime snack.  We do have individuals within our school who have severe allergies and we must all work together to keep them safe.  Thank you.

If your child requires any medication during the day, including asthma inhalers, please ensure you have completed an Administration of Medicines form at the school office.  This means we can work in partnership with you to best support your child when the need for medicine arises.

Children should not wear hooped or dangling earrings to school.  Pupils can wear a single stud earring in the lobe of the ear, which should be covered for PE lessons.  Pupils are asked to provide their own surgical tape to cover earrings, if required.  This is in accordance with NLC PE Guidelines.  Thank you for your support here to keep all children safe from accidental injury.


Many thanks for all the reading books returned this week.  We will continue to accept any reading books, book bags or other school resources you may find at home.  All will be gratefully received by your child’s teacher.


Our annual Easter Parade will not take place this year due to ongoing restrictions; however, we can’t wait to see what artistic creations you come up with at home.  Look out for details of our Easter Bonnet and Egg competitions coming out on a short Home Learning grid next week.  If you would like to take part, you will get the chance to upload your photos on Teams.  Look out for information in the usual home learning places early next week (app, web site, Teams).


Our Nursery Fund needs a wee bit of a boost these days.  We have very little money available each week to provide the snacks and treats your child enjoys during their nursery session.  Please remember our Jelly Bean Fund by donating £2 (or whatever you can afford) weekly.  This should be handed to nursery staff, in an envelope with  your child’s name.  Remember, all  money goes STRAIGHT BACK to your child.

You can tell we live in Scotland, when you look at the weather we have experienced over the past 2 weeks!  Nursery children should come dressed for ALL WEATHERS!  Basically, we still need winter clothes but we also need sun hats!  If the weather looks fine, please apply sun cream before your child comes to Nursery in the morning.  Staff can provide more cream as the day goes on for the children to apply themselves under supervision.

Due to ongoing staffing restrictions, our reduced hours on a Thursday and Friday will continue next week.  Many thanks for your patience during this time of uncertainty.  We will update you of any changes and return to full-time hours each day as soon as we can.


With all the disruption we have had over recent weeks, it would not be surprising if you have lost track of the school holiday dates this year.  You should keep the following link handy for easy reference:

NLC School Holidays

School closes on Thursday 1st April for the Easter holiday.  We return to school and nursery on Monday 19th April 2021.


Over recent months we have managed to provide many families with a laptop on a long-term loan from NLC.  If you believe your child would benefit from a laptop for home learning, please contact me via the school office or by email and I will try to help.


Can I give a heartfelt THANKS to all Kirkshaws staff, who have worked their socks off in the build-up to this week to make sure every learner has felt safe and supported as they have got back into the swing of school-life again!   This is not a one-man-show; every member of staff is crucial to the whole process.  I continue to be proud to be a member of such a dedicated team.  Happy Weekend, everyone!

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