Mrs N’s Notes, 5.3.21

Week 1 Menu coming up!

School Lunches:

Nursery, Loving Lunches below:


Please click here to read a letter from Derek Brown, Executive Director

Like you, we were delighted to hear the First Minister announce the plans to have all P.4-7 pupils back in the classroom from Monday 15th March.  We intend to revert back to the plans we were following before Christmas, with the same staggered starts, stops and breaks.  Pupils will remain in their class ‘bubbles’ at all times, reducing the risk of cross-infection.  All enhanced cleaning and personal hygiene routines will continue as before.  Pupils should arrive at school as close to their start times as possible and enter through the Zone 2/3 gate at the lollipop lady.  Parents and carers are asked to remember to socially distance during pick-up and drop-off and avoid congregating near the school gates to chat.  All adults are asked to wear a face-covering unless they are exempt.

Breakfast Club will start once again for all pupils from 15th March, with normal charges applying.


Since my newsletter last Friday we have experienced several changes in the Nursery.  Due to staffing levels amid COVID regulations, we were forced to reduce our hours this week from Tuesday to Friday.  We were delighted to welcome Ms Laurie to join our staff team mid-week.  As a result, we can now revert back to our normal hours of 8.50am to 2.50pm from Monday to Wednesday next week.  On Thursday and Friday we will still run sessions from 9am until 1.45pm.  Thank you for your patience at this time; like you, we want to be back to normal as soon as possible.  These arrangements will be reviewed weekly and, as I said in the letters I have already sent out, we will continue to work in partnership with NLC to resolve this issue as soon as possible.


Many thanks to those families who contributed to our Jelly Bean Fund this week.  As you know, all money  goes straight into nursery funds to give your children the snacks and little extras that make their daily experiences at nursery that wee bit more special.  We appreciate your donations every week.  Thank you.


What a busy and successful Eco Week we have had!  Mrs King, supported by a wide range of school staff, has provided us with a varied programme running at home and in school.  I have seen some AMAZING posters, pieces of writing and 3D creations…WELL DONE TO YOU ALL.  As always, many thanks to all those family members who joined in and provided that wee bit extra enthusiasm at home.

We are delighted to announce our winners this week are:


  • 1st – Lexi Quinn
  • 2nd – Harper Christie
  • 3rd – Riley Ritchie


  • 1st – Carlin Law
  • 2nd – Levent Kizilkaya
  • 3rd – Jayden Ballantyne

I look forward to giving out the prizes and certificates over the next few weeks when I see you all. 😀

Even though Eco Week is over, our Eco activities continue.  We would appreciate your help in building up our stock of gardening equipment.  If you have any gardening tools you no longer need, please don’t throw them out!  Hand them into the school office and we will put them into quarantine before putting them to good use.

Also, Mrs Stockwell has big plans for your old plastic milk bottle tops.  All children can hand these into their own teacher and they will be passed onto Mrs Stockwell in a safe manner.


We celebrated a different kind of World Book Day yesterday, but the most important thing was that we enjoyed reading…and from your comments and posts, I think we achieved that!  Keep reading, boys and girls, whether we are together or apart.

Mr Sharp has all your World Book Day vouchers in hand.  This year, as we know, things are a wee bit different!  Earlier this week he sent digital versions of the voucher out to all families by email and on the app.  However, he also has paper copies you could use, if you would rather.  Those children in school and nursery will be bringing these home over the next few days, with our P.4-7 pupils getting them when they return on 15th.


My last note is a huge thank you to all our pupils and families who continue to ‘battle’ with home learning.  We have one more week to go.  THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS!  Don’t give up now.  All teachers will be back on Teams next week to help motivate our learners through these final challenging days.  We’ve got this!!


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