Mrs N’s Notes, 19.2.21


Click here to read a letter from Jason Leitch explaining the return to school for some children next week.

This NURSERY LETTER is also being emailed to all nursery families today too.

We look forward to welcoming back our nursery pupils and those from P.1-P.3 from Monday 22.2.21.  Our staggered drop off and pick up times will continue at the infant gate.  As before, please try to stick as close to these times as possible, limiting the time children are waiting in the playground before school.  Lunchtimes will also be staggered.  Please call the school office if you need these times clarified.

All enhanced hand-washing, sanitising and cleaning procedures remain in place, ensuring we keep on top of all the restrictions we put in place last term.  In addition, staff testing is now available twice weekly, giving you another layer of protection against possible infection.

We continue to ask you to limit items travelling between school and home.  However, we would ask that you return all reading books on Monday morning. These will be quarantined appropriately.


In line with Scottish Government guidelines, Breakfast Club will not be generally available to all P.1-3 pupils.  It will be open to pupils of key workers, or other identified groups, only.


As before, any new application for key worker status must be made to NLC through the council website.  Both parents must be key workers and proof of employment presented before any place in school is granted.


Due to the partial return, Mr Sharp and I know we will be very busy in class from Monday.  As a result our online assemblies and fitness sessions have now stopped.  Thank you to those families who have joined us every day for the past 6 weeks!!  You have certainly kept us going through these tough times.  Next week morning registration will continue, but will now be taken by class teachers instead for P.4-7 pupils.  Your teachers will meet you in your class teams or channels instead of the General Channel. I look forward to popping in and seeing you when I can.


Reading books for next week are now available for Room 16, Room 8 (Charlie & the Chocolate Factory Group only) & Room 5 (Cheetahs Group only)


Week 2 menu will be served in both the school and nursery next week.



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