Mrs N’s Notes – 3rd April 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

How are you all today?  I hope you are being kind to yourselves! Working from home is not easy for anyone and you really need to take a minute to consider all you have achieved over the past week. For many of you this will have been your first experience of using online resources and look how you have mastered so many of these!

This week we have tried to contact every family either through Twitter, email or by phone.  I managed to speak to many of you personally and I must thank you for all your upbeat comments and kind words of encouragement to our school staff.  If you weren’t available, I left a voicemail message where possible, but some numbers wouldn’t let me leave a message.  We are anxious to ensure that no family feels totally isolated at this strange time.

Please make sure you have downloaded the school app (PIOTA); this will ensure you receive all school news and information updates. You will also find email addresses there that will allow you to contact the management team.  Please do not be stuck – contact us by email if you need ANYTHING and we will do what we can to help.

We are enjoying seeing all your Twitter posts too.  I am honestly grinning from ear to ear as I read them all. They are FANTASTIC! One thing I must ask – please try to avoid naming your child if you are posting a photograph of their face. Tell your child why you are doing this; to keep them safe, so no strangers online can identify them.  We continue to promote online safety, even when we’re not at school (!) so we will only ‘reTweet’ those posts with no pupils identified by name.  Thank you for your understanding here.

I must thank my entire school staff for their hard work, perseverance and humour that has kept me going over these past few weeks.  This has been a steep learning curve for us all as we have created online classrooms, had our first staff meetings using video conferencing (now that was fun!) and worked collaboratively to ensure the learning we are setting is differentiated, varied, enjoyable and achievable. We will not be posting home learning activities over the next two weeks – I think we all need a rest; pupils, parents and teachers!

This must be the strangest way we have ever ended a school term, but I know that together we can come back stronger. Have a Happy Easter everyone.


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  1. Yous are doing amazing as a school and my daughter loves to see all the children doing things daily online ‘ also the teachers yourself and nursery staff have been excellent with we activities and online stories been told for the pre schoolers ‘ take care and thank you so much xx

    1. Thank you for keeping in touch, we do appreciate your feedback. This is such a new experience for us all, but together we WILL work out what works best for us all.

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