The Week Ahead – 17th Feb 2020

No Mrs N’s Notes this week due to the VERY short week we have just had.  However, there are lots of events going on over the coming 5 days…

Week 1 menu this week. PLEASE REMEMBER there is a change to the menu on Thursday as it is Favourites Day! Our choices for a main course will be Chicken Curry or Beef Burgers.
Monday Whole School, Fun 31 TreatTreasure Island performance by M & M Productions!

3pm – School Show Club

Tuesday Transition Event – some pupils from local nurseries will join some Kirkshaws nursery pupils, working with a P.1 class.

3pm – P.4-7 Athletics and Family Cooking Clubs

Wednesday Bud, the Poppy Scotland Bus is visiting P.4-7

P.6 visit to CHS to take part in a STEM Event

(Please note, the Cross Country qualifier planned for today has been postponed due to adverse weather being forecast.)

Thursday Sports Committee Meeting

Book Bug sessions running morning and afternoon.

School Coffee & Chat parents group meeting at 9am. ALL WELCOME.

P.7 School of Rugby Session

3pm – School of Rugby Club, P4-5 Multi-sports Club

Friday Celebration Assembly – including a Spelling Bee!

Fun 31

3pm – Girls Football Club, run by Coatbridge Rovers

Huge thanks to everyone who contributed to our Sponsored Walk last Friday. So far, we have collected a little over £900.  If you have any further sponsor money to return, please hand it in to your child’s teacher or the school office.
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