Mrs N’s Notes – 26th April

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Due to technical problems with our website, Mrs N’s Notes could not be posted before Easter Weekend – therefore the blog today will  cover the past TWO weeks!

Let’s start with our Easter Parade winners from last week.  Can I give a HUGE thank you to every family who got involved designing and creating Easter Bonnets or Eggs.  As you can see from the photographs above, the standard in each class was very high.  We trust that you enjoyed working together as a family during this activity.  We loved sharing and celebrating each achievement!

One of our main focus points over recent weeks has been a big push on healthy journeys to school.  I know that many of you share our concerns over the amount of traffic around the school as our children arrive and leave at the end of the day.  Our Parent Council have been in consultation with Sustainable Travel Officers, Crossing Patrol Officers and Health & Safety personnel to discuss this issue.  The only way we can tackle this is to reduce the number of vehicles in the immediate vicinity at 9am and 3pm.  With the recent good weather we think this is the perfect opportunity to relaunch a Walk to School plea.  All classes are using an on-line Travel Tracker tool which encourages pupils to make a healthy journey to school and collect rewards as a result.  Please help us promote this, improve the air quality around the school and reduce the risk of accidents as we travel.  Thank you.

Many thanks to our Newspaper Team for their latest production.  A full report on life at Kirkshaws (written by our learners) over the past term is now available.  A brilliant read!

Transition Events are well underway.  Visits to and from partner nurseries and high schools have begun and will continue over the coming months.  Last week saw some P.6 pupils taking part in a K’Nex Challenge at Coatbridge High School.  We were delighted to come in third place…we were more thrilled that our pupils spoke of making new friends during the event!  That’s what it is all about; building confidence and creating a climate of trust.  Look out for many more events taking place very soon.

We have a full 5-day week coming up, but remember school and nursery will close on Friday 3rd May and reopen on Wednesday 8th May.  This is due to the May Day holiday and an in-service training day for staff.

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