Mrs N’s Notes 1-5th Oct
Pass it forward, pass it on…was the theme of our assembly this morning. Today we were completely blown away by the huge donation made towards our Harvest Appeal. Thanks to you, we can pass on a little good cheer and deliver food parcels to those who need them most. On Monday we will start delivering all the groceries to their rightful homes.
But it is not just tins we’ve been ‘passing on’ this week. Giving people our time and sharing our talents is another valuable way to GIVE. Our Green Gang, working with Toni, the Community Gardener, has made a great start on the front entrance to the school. They have given of their time and efforts to provide us with a beautiful approach to our school.
And then we have the Fundraisers, who never tire of giving their time, ideas, energy and enthusiasm to make sure we have those little extras the school budget just won’t stretch to. This week they ran a Coffee Morning, held a public meeting, organised Hallowe’en Discos and planned a Christmas Fête! Now that’s what I call GIVING!
As we move into the weekend, can I thank every single person who has given something this week – and I think that will actually cover every member of the Kirkshaws family. THANK YOU.