Mrs N’s Notes ~ 31.8.18

As we settle back into our new session it has been an ideal opportunity to remind ourselves that everyone in Kirkshaws is committed to being the best we can be.  As I often remind pupils; parents have the right to send their children to any school they choose.  Everyone who attends Kirkshaws, both pupils and staff, have chosen to come because they truly believe it is the best school for themselves or their child.  We must therefore continue to work hard to keep ourselves at the top of our game!

Our pupils continue to strive to becoming Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors and Responsible Citizens and it was a pleasure this week to hand out so many certificates for each of these qualities.  Not only that, we continue to be amazed at the range of learning that is going on at after-school clubs, holiday clubs and also working with family at home.  Our pupils are enthusiastic and eager to learn.  What a fabulous position to be in!

Our teachers are in the midst of planning new and exciting learning opportunities for each class.  New clubs are being planned and there’s even a rumour of a school show later in the year!  Our dinner Ladies are working hard to make sure they get it right for everyone too.  Over the past few weeks they have been providing a small tasting menu of new ideas for the winter menu.  I must say, everyone I spoke to was enthusiastic about the haggis dish that they sampled on Friday!

Then we have our willing band of parents and volunteers who work tirelessly for the benefit of our school.  Our Fundraisers met last week and I know they will be in touch with you shortly looking for your support in their ventures this year.  Our Resource Ladies and Library volunteers have been hard at it over recent weeks, supporting us as we work hard to make sure the physical environment is always kept to a high standard.  Then there is our Parent Council.  They will meet together for the first time this session on Monday evening at 7pm.  Why not come along and listen if you would like to know what they are up to this session.

Being the best we can be is not an easy job, but with a team like ours it becomes much easier.  Thank you to every member of the Kirkshaws Family for everything you do to help.  If you would like to be involved more, please let us know…This is Kirkshaws, ALL WELCOME!

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