The Week Ahead ~ 18-22 June

Week 1 menu this week. Please take time to discuss the meal options with your child.  Primary 7 parents should note that excess money on lunch cards cannot be transferred to high school.  However, it can be transferred to a sibling within Kirkshaws.  Over the next few weeks, P.7s should aim to only add money to their cards that they will actually use before the end of term.

If you think your child would qualify for a free school meal and clothing grant, you should collect a form from the school office, complete it and apply.  Even if your child is in P.1-3 and receives a free lunch each day, you should still make the application as this may affect the price you will pay for Breakfast Club from August 2018.  Contact Mrs Peat & Mrs Dunn in the school office for more information

Monday Disco Tickets on sale today.  Nursery -P.3 £1.50 (includes a goody bag), P.4-7 £1 (tuck shop available on the night)

Whole School rehearsal of our Summer Assembly (am)

1.30pm – Summer Assembly, Performance 1

After School Clubs today:  P.4-7 Football, P.1-3 Fitness

Tuesday Disco Tickets on sale today. 

10.30am – Summer Assembly, Performance 2

1.30pm – Summer Assembly, Performance 3

P.5-7 Archery & P.1-3 Judo at 3pm today.

Wednesday Disco Tickets on sale today. 

Nursery Fundraiser – Photo Sale

Whole School Assembly

3pm – P.4-7 Theatre Arts & P.1-4 Family Gardening

Thursday Disco Tickets on sale today. 

GOLDEN DAY – Special Lunch Menu (Burger/Hot Dog/ Pack-a-Snack)

3pm – P.1-3 Family Cooking, P.5-7 Netball, P.2-4 Archery

DISCO NIGHT: Nursery-P.3 6pm-7pm

P.7 VIP Party (Dinner Hall) 6.30pm-7.15pm

P.4-P.7 – 7.15pm-8.30pm

Friday Celebration Assembly.

Meet the Teacher transition event this afternoon for P.1-P.6.

Looking ahead to the following week we have our P.7 Leavers’ Assembly & Fundraisers’ Treat, the Nursery Graduations and our Nursery Summer Party still to come.

If your child requires a school meal on Wednesday 27th or Thursday 28th June you MUST return the pre-order form sent home last week and ensure all money is pre-loaded to dinner cards in advance.  On Wednesday 27th , lunch will be steak pie or fish fingers, but on Thursday 28th the kitchen will only be serving Pack-a-Snacks, in line with NLC procedures.


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