Mrs N’s Notes, 26.1.24

Week 1 menus coming up


Our next Parent Council Meeting will be held on Monday 29th January at 7pm.  As usual, this will be held as a virtual meeting, on-line.  Please contact a member of the Parent Council or the school office if you require log-in details.


Please get in touch if you are able to help at our planned Careers Fayre on the afternoon of 21 February.  Information was sent home last week.  We would be grateful of help from any parents, carers, former pupils or family friends.


Don’t forget, pupils have a chance to visit the P.7 nail bar one more time next Friday.  All pupils who wish to take part should remember to bring their money and permission slip into school.  We do need permission before we paint anyone’s nails.


Primary 1 enrolment took place last week.  If you know of anyone who missed this, please urge them to contact their local school as soon as possible.

Nursery enrolment continues until 16th February.  However, please don’t delay if you haven’t registered yet.  Contact the school office if you need help.


Many thanks to all those families who continue to support our push for regular attendance at school.  Across the Coatbridge Cluster, our attendance levels remain the lowest in the area.  However, we are making steady progress, with this year’s figures being better than we were sitting at the same time last year.

By working together we can make sure we raise attainment, build strong relationships and promote a positive work-ethic as a life-skill.


Mid-term holiday – Monday & Tuesday 12 & 13 February

In-service Day (pupils DO NOT ATTEND) – Wednesday 14th February

Sponsored Fun Day – Friday 16th February (Sponsor Forms came home last week)

All these dates apply to our school AND nursery.

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