Mrs N’s Notes, 19.1.24

Week 3 menus ahead:

As next week is Burns Night, we have a special menu on Thursday (see below).  Sandwiches and baked potatoes will be offered as usual on Thursday; check the menu for fillings.

DYW – Developing a Young Workforce
Across Scotland, learners from the earliest stages are required to learn about the world of work, developing knowledge, understanding and skills that will prepare them for the years ahead.
As a school we have been doing this in various ways for some time now.  We provide educational excursions, invite visitors to join us, plan skill-based learning and explore different roles through play.  In this way we aim to open our children’s eyes to some of the job opportunities available to them, making them aware of the skills they would require and how they would go about securing such a position in the future.
Taking this a step further, we have decided to host a Careers Fayre in the school on the afternoon of 21st February 2024, from 1pm-3pm. This will give our older learners an opportunity to develop their understanding of the job opportunities in the local area, the skills they would require and the ways in which they can attain these skills including through further education or an apprenticeship.  We hope to open this to all P.5-P.7 pupils.
We are asking for your help if you know anyone who would be willing to be part of our Careers Fayre, sharing their experiences, skills and why their chosen career path could be an exciting prospect for some of our pupils.  We plan to set up some tables in the gym hall and invite small groups of pupils to work their way around the ‘stalls’, asking questions and hearing about different careers.  There is no expectation that anyone will need to make a formal presentation, just a relaxed chat with a small group of pupils.
Parents, carers, former pupils and family friends are all welcome to join us.
Please contact the school office or your child’s teacher if you can spare a few hours to help.
Thank you,
The Kirkshaws DYW Taskforce
P.7 continue to raise money to bring down the cost of their Strathclyde Park Trip later this year.   Following the success of their nail-bar in Term 1, they plan to run this again on 2nd February.  Information and consent forms should have come home earlier this week.  Please remember pupils must bring written permission before we will paint their nails.
Information should have come home earlier this week about our big Spring Sponsor.  Each year we have a major push in term 3 to allow us to afford buses for trips, sporting events and transition visits.  We do appreciate every penny raised, but please remember we do not want to put anyone under financial hardship with this.  Only give what you can.  Pupils have been reminded that they MUST NOT go around the doors asking for money.  If you need another sponsor form, please ask your child’s teacher or our office staff.
All new P.1 pupils should have been registered for school this week.  If you missed this, please contact the school office immediately.  In addition, nursery enrolment is also ongoing.  If you have any questions, please visit the council website or call the school office to find out more.
Those P.7 pupils moving to Coatbridge High in the summer will have the chance to visit for a Future Fridays experience next week.  All pupils should have returned their permission slips for this.
Please remember to sign up for the online Parent Portal.  Across all NLC schools this platform will now be used for payments for trips, and eventually reports too.   If you require help, our office staff are only too happy to help.  If you are already signed up for the online payment system for school lunches, it is very straightforward.
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