Mrs N’s Notes, 17.11.23

Week 2 menus coming up.  Remember to return your Christmas Lunch order form if you haven’t done so yet.  We need to get the turkey and trimmings bought!


Our Parents’ Night will take place next week, 23rd November.  If you haven’t yet booked your slot please do this as soon as possible.  Bookings will close tonight at 7pm.  If you need help, contact our school office.  Mrs Quinn and Mrs McGrath are only too happy to assist you.

On Parents’ Night please enter the school building by the main doors and make your way to the hall, where your child’s teacher will be seated at a table, ready to meet you at your appointed time. Everyone has been given a ten-minute appointment. Staff will make every effort to stick to these time slots, in order to accommodate all parents at their preferred time. If you feel you need more time, a further appointment can be arranged at a later date. You will have the opportunity to read a sample of your child’s work, either before or after you speak with the teacher. In your child’s folder of work, you will find a ‘speech bubble’ sheet. This is for you to leave your child a short positive message they can read when they come into school the next morning. Write your message and pop it back in their folder, ready to surprise them when they open it in class!

Our Eco School Uniform rail will be available on the night.  Please make use of this if your child has lost or outgrown any items of school clothing.  We are doing our best to Recycle, Reuse and Reduce.  It is important that we show the younger generation we take this seriously.  Please take any items you can make use of.


P.7 pupils continue to organise their next fundraiser.  Their Bring & Buy Sale will take place on Friday 1st December.  All donations gratefully accepted next week, if you have anything suitable at home.


An email went home this week, inviting families to join us for our next Open Session on Wednesday 29th November.  On this occasion, only P.2-P.7 classes will be open as P.1 and Nursery parents have already been in to work and play.


We are delighted to launch our new family space in Kirkshaws.  All classes had the opportunity to name our new meeting space and the favourite name is THE FOCUS ROOM.  This room is already being used by pupil committees, parent groups, after school clubs, staff members…the list goes on!


Attendance continues to be a huge issue for us in Kirkshaws.  Our attendance levels remain below every other school in the Coatbridge Cluster.  If your child is ill, we know they may need to stay at home, but if we can support your child to be here…please let us know!  If they are not in school, they are missing vital learning opportunities.  Let’s work together to turn this around.

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