Mrs N’s Notes, 27.10.23

Week 2 menus coming up…


As always, our Hallowe’en Discos were a huge success.  We cannot thank our Parent Council enough for all the work they put into these events.  From the youngest in our nursery, right up to our P.7s and staff-members, we all had a fabulous night, dancing the night away!

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Please remember that our annual fancy-dress parade will take place on Tuesday morning.   Pupils do not NEED to dress up, but everyone is welcome to come to school in a costume of their choice.  Please keep in mind that our nursery pupils will also be joining us, so super-scary masks would be better left for going out at home.  If your child would not be comfortable staying in their costume all day, they should bring a change of clothes in their bag that day.


This term, we are having a big focus on taking our learning outdoors.   This week we made more use of our school grounds and also Souterhouse Park.  As you can see, everyone was fully engaged in all the tasks set!  More classes look forward to heading out over the coming weeks.

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Today, we have a P.5 team of Rugby players off to a festival organised by the Waysiders at Drumpellier.  We wish them well and we just know they are going to be excellent ambassadors for our school.

Yesterday it was the chance for our football players to shine!  Both our girls’ and boys’ teams made us proud with their sportsmanship, as well as the number of matches won!  Mr Gall said he had only one word to describe the day – AMAZING!  Well done to you all!


We look forward to welcoming the Dogs’ Trust to our assembly next week.  In addition, P.6 & 7 will take part in workshops with them throughout the day.


7 -9 November – P.1 Literacy Open Sessions for parents (invitations to come)

Thursday 9th November – Parent Council Coffee Morning (more information to come)

Monday 13th November – In-service training day for teachers.  Pupils do not attend.

Friday 24th November – Flu Vaccinations



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