Mrs N’s Notes, 13.10.23

Week 1 Menu coming up after the holidays:
We were informed this week that the Motherwell Pantomime will go ahead as planned. The venue has changed to Ravenscraig, but the price, date, times, etc. remain the same.  This is good news to all here! Oh yes it is!!

We were delighted to have Commonwealth and Olympic Judo medallist Louise Renicks in school on Wednesday giving a demonstration to all our P1-7 pupils and so many also had the opportunity to give judo a try in the hall. 

 Louise is originally from Coatbridge and is also a proud former pupil of Kirkshaws Primary and she is eager to provide sporting opportunities to the pupils from our area.  All pupils will bring home a flyer with details of Louise’s local Kanokwai Judo Club (also attached) which runs on a Monday evening in the Charlotte Toal Centre.  A new beginner’s class begins after the October break and Louise would be delighted to see as many Kirkshaws pupils attend as possible with a block of sessions priced at only £20. 

 Louise is also aware of the current challenges with the cost of living and has passed onto our school her determination to see that no pupil misses out on sport due to financial constraints.  She encourages any family in this position to contact her through her email which is located at the bottom of the flyer. 

 It really was a delight to see so many of our pupils enjoy the judo demonstration this morning.  A huge thanks to Louise and our Active Schools team who helped to arrange this free session for our school. 

Your Parent Council is organising a Hallowe’en Disco on the evening of 26th October.  Tickets go on sale on Monday 23rd October.  Pupils should bring their money into class any morning that week to purchase a ticket.  See poster for details.
Our school Hallowe’en Parade will take place on the morning of 31st October.  Any child wishing to take part should come to school dressed in their costume that day.  Don’t forget a change of clothes if it will be difficult for them to stay dressed up all day.
As you know, we are having a big push on quality outdoor learning this session.  All children should have retuned their permission slip for local walks by now to ensure they can be included in all activities in Term 2.
We have started our Hallowe’en costume recycle rail.
We are happy to accept all outgrown or unwanted costumes…and hopefully you can pick another that your family could use this year!
As we continue to Poverty Proof the school day, we would be delighted if you would join us in this venture to support each other.  We intend to increase this to include party costumes and Christmas jumpers too.
If you would like to visit our Uniform or Costume Banks, please pop into school any day at 3pm and bring a carrier bag!  You will be directed to the clothes rails to take what you need in privacy.  No questions asked, no explanation needed.  We all need a little help at some time…let us help you.
Huge thanks to everyone who contributed to our Harvest appeal.  We filled 18 FULL bags of shopping, split between St James’ Way and the Coatbridge Food Bank.  I’m heading off to deliver these, late morning today!
We close today at the usual time and look forward to seeing everyone back with us on Monday 23rd October.  Have a lovely, safe holiday!
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