Mrs N’s Notes, 2.6.23

Week 2 Menus ahead

If you pay for your child’s lunch, please remember to load money BEFORE they order.  Thank you.  Next week we hope to launch a new digital ordering system, where the pupils each order from their class Smartboard in the morning!  Big changes…


Yet another very busy Health Week organised by Mr Sharp…no-one does it like him!  From Inter-House competitions to adults Vs pupils sporting events and positive mental health experiences, it’s all been going on!

Many thanks to all family members who joined in the fun, turned up to support us, or cheered us on from afar.  We couldn’t do it without you.


We were delighted when PASP invited our P.1 pupils along to the official opening of the new park.  Along with St Timothy’s pupils and some younger children from partner providers, our young team tried out the new environment and gave it their full approval!  I hope this fabulous resource will feature in our outdoor learning programme next session as we aim to further extend our learning experiences.


Our Summer Show will be ready to go on Monday 19th June (2.00pm) and Tuesday 20th June (9.45am).  Pupils from P.1-P.7 will take part.    Tickets will go on sale on Monday 5th June.  Initially we will offer 2 tickets per family to ensure everyone has the chance to have a loved one in the audience.  An email with ticket details has gone home already this week, detailing prices and arrangements.

On this occasion, our nursery pupils won’t be joining us, as they are saving themselves for their own Graduation on Wednesday 21st.  Our P.7 pupils are also excited to welcome their parents and carers to their Leavers’ Assembly on the afternoon of Monday 26th June.


PC Leaflet, End of Term 2023

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