Mrs N’s Notes, 22.12.21

Week 1 Menus for our first week back in January.


It is with mixed emotions that we bid farewell to one of our cleaning staff today.  Liz Hamilton has worked hard to keep us all safe and healthy, not only through this pandemic, but daily over the past 9 years.  I do not want to embarrass her, but I would also like to thank Liz for the additional things she has given to our school, that no one else sees, going above and beyond expectations.  Liz, you are a gem!  With restrictions in place we can’t celebrate with her as we would like, but we send Liz on her way with our best wishes for a long and happy retirement.


Nursery closes this afternoon at the normal time, while our school classes finish 30 minutes early at either 2.20pm or 2.30pm.  If you wish to pick a child up early from nursery, this will be accommodated.   We all expect to be back in the building on Monday 10th January.

I know there is much speculation across the country just now about possible disruptions to our lives in the coming months, but at this time we are still planning for  a normal start to the new year.  Should this change we will be sure to let you know.

At this time we plan to continue to keep your child safe in school and nursery, following the same safety routines that we have continued to follow throughout the pandemic.  Enhanced cleaning, regular hand-washing and sanitising, adult distancing and face-coverings will continue.  Children will operate in ‘bubbles’ indoors, with outdoor mixing closely monitored.  Staggered starts and stops will continue to allow families to distance on Old Monkland Road.  Thank you for your cooperation in this.


As always at the end of a term, I am required to monitor pupil attendance and work with families to improve this if necessary.  The Scottish Government has set the acceptable standard of attendance at 90%.  Any level of attendance below 90% is deemed to be A Cause for Concern.  If your child’s attendance level is below this, you should expect a letter bringing this to your attention.  The intention of this is that we can work together to bring this back up in Term 3.


From everyone in Kirkshaws, can I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.   Together WE CAN do this!

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