Mrs N’s Notes, 17.12.21

Week 1 Menus for next week.


Don’t forget, that the school will stop for our Christmas Break on Wednesday 22nd December at 2.20pm (Rooms 1, 9, 14, 15) and 2.30pm (Rooms 2, 3, 5, 16, 10) .  The Nursery will remain open until the normal closing time that day, however any families who wish to collect earlier to tie in with sibling collection can arrange that with Mrs Brown.

Breakfast Club, Nursery and School will all open at the normal times on Monday 10th January.


Our Christmas fun continues next week, with ALL P.1 children having a party on Monday.  We have been told to expect a special visitor!!!

Our Nursery will be partying on Tuesday…and once again, we’re hoping for a special visitor!


Huge thanks to everyone involved in our Christmas Show this year, but especially to Mr Sharp, without whom it just wouldn’t be the same!

I know that many of you at home will have heard these words being sung for weeks, but hopefully you’ve now had the opportunity to view the whole concert together.  The link was sent out to families on Wednesday of this week by email.


Can I take this opportunity to remind all families that our staff do not expect Christmas presents from  your children.  We would never hurt a child’s feelings by refusing a gift, but we would discourage you from spending money on us at this time of year.   If your child wants to make us a card or draw us a picture to show us they are thinking about us, that would be more than enough.   Thank you for all your kindness now and throughout the year.

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