Mrs N’s Notes, 26.11.21

Week 1 menus in both school and nursery for the week ahead.  Pupils from our nursery class through to Primary 4 receive a free school meal as part of the universal offer across Scotland.  If your child is in P.5. 6 or 7 and you are not in receipt of free school meals, please add funds to your child’s lunch card BEFORE they purchase a meal.  We have a number of children who are running up a bill at the moment and our catering staff need to clear this deficit as soon as possible.  Thank you.  If you are having trouble with the online payment system, our office staff are always willing to help.

Please remember that as a health-promoting school we ask that fizzy juice is NOT brought into school.  This should be kept as a treat to be enjoyed at home.


We continue to ask all adults to park a short distance from the school gates and walk.  We do not have space to allow everyone to park close to the entrance.  No vehicles should park on the zigzag yellow lines, not even for a quick drop-off.  Please park safely and legally as we are conscious of our neighbours’ needs too.  Please work with us to keep your child safe.


Over recent weeks we have looked at many of the themes covered during the international COP26 convention.  Two year groups had the opportunity to take this further and visit Summerlee this week to take part in a workshop entitled FROM COAL TO CLIMATE CHANGE.  I am delighted to report that they came back full of information to share with the whole school.  They will do this over the coming weeks.  In addition, our staff were delighted to report that we received many compliments about how our children engaged with the learning and demonstrated exemplary behaviour during the visit.  We are so proud of these young Kirkshaws ambassadors, demonstrating our school values in the community – and I know you will be too!


One of the ongoing themes that runs through all our learning is helping our pupils develop skills they will use in life and work.  This week we welcomed Stephen Lynas from the Haden Group to speak to 3 senior classes about Digital Technology’s use in Construction.  Our pupils were delighted to learn that many of the skills they are regularly practising in online gaming can actually be refined to workplace skills.  It was also enlightening for some to hear that a career in construction does not necessarily mean outdoor, manual work.  Mr Lynas has offered to return in the new year to help us in a Careers Focus Week we plan to run.  If you, or any family members, would like to make a short talk to our pupils to explain your job and what it entails, we would love to hear from you.  We will send out more information after Christmas.


All P.1 to 3 pupils should now have brought home their free goody bags.  Please take time to explore this with your child.  There are quality books and many good learning ideas contained here.


At our senior assembly next week we look forwards to welcoming a visitor to make a presentation about how government operates.  Many thanks to Mrs King for organising this.


On Monday 6th December we are looking forward to welcoming the Light Lab team to work with our P.4 and P.5 pupils in school.  We’ll be sure to report back to you what we learn from this science workshop.


Our weekly on-line after-school club continued this week with Fitness with Miss Reid.  Although the numbers who attended were small, I must thank all teachers who are taking the time to plan and deliver these additional learning programmes this term.  I is much appreciated.


While it is most encouraging to us to be able to start considering educational excursions and visitors to school once again, things are not yet ‘back to normal’.  We will continue to look at ways we can enhance the learning opportunities whilst complying with local and national advice.  Thank you for your support in this.


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