Mrs N’s Notes, 29.10.21

Week 3 menus coming up next week for both the school and nursery.  P.1-4 pupils continue to receive a free school meal as part of the universal offer across Scotland, but pupils from P.5-P.7 who do not have free meal entitlement must pay for their meal daily.  All funds should be added to your child’s lunch card using the iPayImpact online system BEFORE they purchase a lunch.   Please check your child’s card regularly to check your balance.


If you have been using the online payment system, you are already registered with MyGovScot.  This means you are only a few clicks away from accessing the Parents Portal.  We would encourage everyone to log in, as over time this is going to give you access to data, reports, data checks, letters from school and so much more.  As a parent, I was unsure of the process too, but I can honestly tell you it only took me about 5 minutes to register for my son.  Click the link below for more information.  If your details don’t match, call Mrs Quinn or Mrs McGrath in the school office and they will help you.

Parents Portal Information (NLC)


This year we are still unable to invite several parents into the school and nursery at the same time.   As a result, we will conduct parents meetings by telephone.  You will be given the chance to book an appointment time over the next few weeks and your child’s teacher will call you at the agreed time on the number we have on record for you.  IF YOUR PHONE NUMBER HAS CHANGED RECENTLY, PLEASE UPDATE THIS BY CONTACTING THE SCHOOL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY.

School appointments will take place between 3.10pm and 5.30pm on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th November.  The Nursery appointments will be arranged for early the following week (week beginning 22.11.21).


NHS staff will visit us next Wednesday, 3.11.21, to administer the flu vaccination to all pupils who have returned their permission forms.


We work in partnership with CHS throughout the year, with some key events coming up soon!

All P.7 parents should have received an email inviting them to a virtual parents information evening being held next week on Teams.  If you did not receive this information, please contact the school office to ensure we have your correct email address.

Before Christmas we are looking forward to taking part in a WW1 lesson and a drama lesson as well as receiving video messages from the school captains and vice-captains.  We have also been told we will be invited to a virtual Christmas Concert…exciting!

At the moment much of our work together will be done online, but we will resume in-person visits whenever restrictions allow.


We intended to invite a travelling theatre company in to school this year to perform live for us in the hall. Unfortunately, they are still restricted by COVID measures and we can’t find any working locally.  We have therefore arranged for an online performance of ALADDIN; 3 WISHES, 2 VACCINES AND A GENIE. We will cover the cost of this from school funds, ensuring we do not place any further financial pressures on our families at this time.


Our Parent Council will continue to meet via video conferencing this session.  A meeting is planned for the next few weeks.  Look out for an email with further information next week.


Many thanks to everyone who made such an effort to make today a fun day for all in Kirkshaws.  Here are just a few photos to give you an idea of the kind of day we had…

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