Mrs N’s Notes, 22.10.21

Week 2 Menu next week, with a change to the menu in school on Thursday for a Hallowe’en themed meal.  See below.

Click here to see Thursday’s special Hallowe’en Menu (school only)


Just a reminder that pupils CAN dress up for Hallowe’en IF THEY WISH NEXT FRIDAY.  No one needs to and we know many of our children prefer to attend school in uniform.  This is never a problem.  A reminder of the current situation:

  • We will have a fun Hallowe’en day in both nursery and school on Friday 29th October.
  • Pupils WILL NOT be allowed home at lunchtime to change.  Pupils should come to school/nursery in the morning wearing their costume.
  • In light of this, please remember that pupils will be outdoors wearing their costume throughout the day and it will probably get dirty.
  • Pupils should also be able to go to the toilet in their costume independently.  Staff in school continue to keep a 2 metre distance from pupils wherever possible.  Please check your child can manage their costume themselves.  We realise you may need to simplify their costume for this.
  • Please do not send in accessories (broomsticks, pumpkins, swords, etc).  We are still advised to bring only essential items from home, so the amount of extra ‘bits’ should be kept to an absolute minimum.
  • We will not be able to have our usual Hallowe’en parade as a whole school and there will be no prizes (as we know costumes will be simplified), but we can still enjoy dressing up in each class just for fun.


This week we have been very busy voting for House Leaders.  P.7 pupils all had the opportunity to make speeches on Teams this week and pupils across the school voted.  This morning we had our first Hybrid Assembly, with half the school in the hall and the rest joining us on Teams.  Mr Sharp announced the successful candidates and we are delighted that they have all taken on these new roles now.  Congratulations on your new jobs!


Please remember that all school emails changed earlier this session.  If you need to contact the school for any reason, please telephone or email using the information below:

Tel : 01236 632054

Occasionally when we phone you the school number may not appear on your caller display.  This is because our calls go through a central NLC switchboard.  I know this can be confusing, but there is no work-around to this.


Thank you to everyone who is working so hard to continue to ensure our pupils are turned out in school uniform every day.  It is lovely to see everyone so smart, wearing their Kirkshaws uniform with pride.

Remember that PE uniform is simply a school polo shirt/T-shirt and school sweatshirt/jumper worn with dark jogging trousers/shorts.  There is no need to purchase expensive sports gear, even for outdoor PE.  Football tops and football team colours should not be worn or brought into school.  This is in line with NLC policy for all schools.


A new 3-week homework grid will be available from Monday of next week.  Homework can be found under the Class Section menu header on our website, or on your child’s class Team.  Should you need any log-in information changed or refreshed, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance.

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