Mrs N’s Notes, 8.10.21
Week 1 Menu when we return
I know it is not clear from the NLC school meals website, but Mrs Patterson has assured me that we will return on the current Week 1 menus. For pupils in P.1-3 it is especially important to discuss meal choices with your child to make sure they pick something they will enjoy.
All pupils from P.1 to P.7 brought home Interim Reports this week, with a snapshot of how they have settled into school in Term 1. I was delighted to read every report and I was so encouraged by the effort being shown across the school. Many thanks must go to all families who continue to support the learning at home, as well as our hard-working staff and the pupils themselves. What a team!
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to our Harvest Appeal this week to coincide with Challenge Poverty Week. This morning we were able to deliver more than 40 FULL bags of food to St James’ Way and the Coatbridge Foodbank. They have both asked me to pass on their appreciation. THANK YOU. I do realise how tough things are right now for everyone and can’t thank you all enough for your support in this. Your generosity has blown us away!
Just a reminder that pupils CAN dress up for Hallowe’en IF THEY WISH. No one needs to and we know many of our children prefer to attend school in uniform. This is never a problem. A reminder of the current situation:
- We will have a fun Hallowe’en day in both nursery and school on Friday 29th October.
- Pupils WILL NOT be allowed home at lunchtime to change. Pupils should come to school/nursery in the morning wearing their costume.
- In light of this, please remember that pupils will be outdoors wearing their costume throughout the day and it will probably get dirty.
- Pupils should also be able to go to the toilet in their costume independently. Staff in school continue to keep a 2 metre distance from pupils wherever possible. Please check your child can manage their costume themselves. We realise you may need to simplify their costume for this.
- Please do not send in accessories (broomsticks, pumpkins, swords, etc). We are still advised to bring only essential items from home, so the amount of extra ‘bits’ should be kept to an absolute minimum.
- We will not be able to have our usual Hallowe’en parade as a whole school and there will be no prizes (as we know costumes will be simplified), but we can still enjoy dressing up in each class just for fun.
While positive COVID cases continue to be high throughout Lanarkshire, we are all tentatively trying to return to some sort of more normal behaviours.
In schools several measures must remain:
- enhanced cleaning
- hand washing/sanitising
- adults socially distancing from children and each other
- face coverings for all adults on site or near the school gates
- no parents/carers allowed within the school grounds without prior arrangement (numbers must still be kept to a minimum)
In light of this we will continue with our current start & stop times, staggered breaks, etc. Until we can allow parents into the playground and safely open the back gates, we cannot safely dismiss all our pupils at the same time. Thank you for your patience and support in this as we work together to keep our families safe.
In August I told you we would continue to review inviting the school photographer in, once we saw how the long term view looked. I am delighted to report that we have provisionally booked the photographer for 14th and 15th March 2022 in order to take this expense away from Christmas. I will, of course, update you on arrangements nearer the time.
CLUB 365
CLUB 365 will operate throughout the October break. Click here for information.
Remember this is available to all primary school pupils who are eligible for a free school meal.
All that remains is for me to wish you a relaxing break next week. Breakfast Club, Nursery & School all start at their normal times on Monday 18th October.