Mrs N’s Notes, 1.9.21

Week 2 menus in both the school and nursery next week (see above).  For pupils in P.1 & 2, please continue to discuss lunch options with your child so they pick something they will enjoy.


Information was sent home earlier this week regarding our Harvest collection this year.  If you want to and you are in a position to help we would welcome any donations of dried or tinned food next week.  We will deliver all donations to St James’ Way and the Coatbridge Food Bank at the end of next week.  We are aware how hard things are for so many of our families right now, so please do not feel any obligation to contribute if this is not a good time.


As COVID-19 restrictions continue to relax we aim to allow pupils to dress-up for Hallowe’en on Friday 29th October, if they wish.  However, as we are still being mindful of current risk assessments, there are a few conditions we must work together to enforce:

  • Pupils WILL NOT be allowed home at lunchtime to change.  Pupils should come to school/nursery in the morning wearing their costume.
  • In light of this, please remember that pupils will be outdoors wearing their costume throughout the day and it will probably get dirty.
  • Pupils should also be able to go to the toilet in their costume independently.  Staff in school continue to keep a 2 metre distance from pupils wherever possible.  Please check your child can manage their costume themselves.  We realise you may need to simplify their costume for this.
  • Please do not send in accessories (broomsticks, pumpkins, swords, etc).  We are still advised to bring only essential items from home, so the amount of extra ‘bits’ should be kept to an absolute minimum.
  • We will not be able to have our usual Hallowe’en parade as a whole school and there will be no prizes (as we know costumes will be simplified), but we can still enjoy dressing up in each class just for fun.


We are looking forward to hearing some of our P.7 pupils make their campaign speeches next week when they put themselves forward as House Captains.  Anyone in Primary 7 who wants to can make their speech to the whole school using a Teams Video Call and every pupil will have the chance to vote for their own House leaders.  We will bring you the results very soon!

PARENTAL SURVEY RESULTS – Our Values & Priorities

Click here to view the results of our recent parental survey.

There were 4  additional written responses:

It is most encouraging to see that everyone who completed the questionnaire agreed that our current Values are relevant.  We will therefore continue to work on these as a whole school community, including Nurturing, Kindness and an ongoing anti-bullying message built-in.  We are already working with our learners to devise a way to do this effectively across the school.  Thank you for your help in this.


Please remember we stop at the NORMAL TIMES next Friday, 8th October, for our October Week holiday.  Breakfast Club, Nursery and School all return at the usual times on Monday 18th October.


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