Mrs N’s Notes, 7.5.21

Week 1 Lunch Menus for next week.  Please see Nursery Loving Lunches above and our school selection below.


Looking ahead to the rest of the term, please remember school and nursery are both closed on holiday Friday 28th and Monday 31st May for the local long weekend.  School and Nursery both close for the summer holiday on Thursday 24th June.


‘Moving up’ will look a little different again this year as we continue to protect our class and group ‘bubbles’ and keep all family members safe.

For those pupils moving to high school, we continue to work alongside our secondary colleagues to provide virtual lessons using Teams wherever possible.  In addition, we have coaches from Coatbridge High’s School of Rugby planning to visit us in the coming weeks, which will be a real treat!  No final decision has been made yet regarding an in-person visit to the high schools, but we will update you of any definite plans as soon as we can.

For our new Primary 1 pupils, we intend to offer the opportunity to visit the school in small groups, with one adult, after the school day is finished, when the building is quiet.  We will contact families with information about dates as soon as plans are finalised.  In addition, the pupils in our own nursery are taking part in weekly lessons on Teams with the current Primary 1 class.  This will continue, allowing pupils to become more familiar with school staff.  These pupils will also have the opportunity to eat lunch in the school dinner hall (when it is empty) to get a feel for school dinners!  For pupils joining us from partner nurseries, Mrs Dobbins, our Cluster Support Teacher, is visiting everyone over the coming weeks to ensure she gets to know these children too.

For those children joining us in the nursery for the first time, Mrs McGarry will be in touch over the coming weeks to invite you in for a visit; once again this will happen in very small groups when the nursery is closed to pupils.

For all pupils in P.1 to P.6 who will be moving up to another class in August, we are exploring ways to give you a virtual tour of your new classroom and allow you to meet your new teacher while once again keeping everyone safe.  More details to come!


Please be assured that we still hope to be able to hold a special event to mark pupils leaving our nursery and P.7.  We await further instructions from the Scottish Government and NLC and we will update you as soon as we know what we are allowed to safely do in these COVID times.


Our Health Week this year will be the week beginning 24th May.  All classes will take part in a wide range of activities covering all aspects of health and wellbeing.  Each class will have their own sports day, instructed by our P.7 pupils on-screen.  As you will understand, we cannot invite spectators this year.  However, we will work hard to make sure everyone has a great time as they take part.


I hope you all enjoy a restful weekend.  I look forward to seeing everyone back in school and nursery on Monday.

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks this has been helpful as Kaeson is due join you in the new term as a p1 , he goes to st timothys nursery at the moment , so it’s reassuring that he will be able to come along for a visit before he starts school .
    Many thanks

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