Mrs N’s Notes, 30.4.21

Week 3 Menus for next week: see the school menu above and the nursery Loving Lunches below.


Remember school and nursery will be closed on Monday 3rd May for the Bank Holiday and then again on Thursday 6th May for an In-Service Training Day.  Each class will be dismissed at the regular times today, Friday 30th April.


We are delighted that restrictions continue to be lifted across the country, but please remember that no safety procedures have been changed in school.  Pupils remain in their class ‘bubbles’, with enhanced cleaning, hand hygiene and regular outdoor learning taking place.  Pupils should not bring toys or other unnecessary items from home, reducing the risk of transfer of infection.

Parents and Carers are reminded to continue to socially distance and wear a face covering (unless exempt) at the school and nursery gates.  Please note that equipment outside in the Nursery grassy area should not be used by any children either before or after the nursery session.

If we do have a positive case of COVID-19 in school, NHS staff will make telephone contact directly with those individuals identified as being a close contact.  The wider community letter sent by the school is for your information only.

Pupils should continue to stay within their own playground Zone.  Please remember PLAYGROUNDS DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 8.45AM.  Infant children should not be allowed into the playground in the morning before the gate is opened by a member of staff.


As I advised last week, the Piota App has now closed down.  I would recommend deleting this App from your personal devices as it will no longer be in use.  We will continue to communicate with you using text, email, this website and Microsoft Teams.  If you are not receiving emails from the school and nursery, please contact the office to check your details are up to date.

Homework for each class can be accessed here on the website under the CLASS SECTION drop-down menu, or in your child’s Class Team.


Before the original Lockdown, we asked for your input into our policy around reducing the cost of the school day.  Many thanks to all who contributed.  Please click below to download a copy of the first draft of our new Poverty Proofing Policy.  Any feedback on this would be most welcome before we break  up for the Summer Holiday period.

Click here to download our new Poverty Proofing Policy


School Handbook

Please use the link above to access Coatbridge High School’s latest handbook.  This will be particularly relevant to P.7 families, but could also be of interest to other families too.


Can I take this opportunity to thank each of you for your continued support throughout this strange school year.  It is much appreciated.  I hope you all have the opportunity to enjoy some family time this weekend.

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