Mrs N’s Notes, 23.4.21

Nursery Loving Lunches (above).

School meals for next week above.

Next week, both our school and nursery will be using Week 2 menus.


Three years ago we were excited to purchase our own school app; a new way of communicating with all our families quickly and effectively.  However, times have changed and we now have more FREE methods of communicating with you.  With the increased use of GroupCall (our text and email service), the Parent Portal, our school website and Microsoft Teams, we find more and more that we are duplicating the same messages in several different places.  As a result, we have decided to stop paying the annual subscription on the Piota App and use that money more effectively to support learning elsewhere.  The Kirkshaws Piota App will cease to function next Friday, 30th April.  We will ensure that all the same information is available here on our website.  Regular messages and updates will be sent to you by email.  If you are not receiving email messages, please contact our school office or check the Parent Portal, to make sure your details are correct.


You should have received an email communication this afternoon to inform you that we will be able to return to full time hours from Monday 26th April.  If you didn’t receive this, please contact the school office to check the details we hold for you.  Thank you for your support over these recent difficult weeks.

We don’t know how much longer this lovely weather will continue, but please remember to apply sun cream to your child each morning.  As always, we are learning outside whenever we can, so we want to make sure everyone is safe and protected every day.

When you are waiting for the nursery doors to open in the morning, please remember to maintain a 2m distance from other families and keep your children standing beside you.  I know some younger children may be tempted to play with the nursery resources that are out, but due to COVID-19 enhanced cleaning it is important that these are not used by any children outwith one particular ‘Bubble’.  In addition, staff are not available to risk assess any activities at this time; we don’t want anyone to be injured.  Thank you for your support in this.

A huge THANKS to everyone who has continued to contribute to the Jelly Bean Man – our Nursery Fund.  Every penny of this goes to provide your child with snacks, treats and and new experiences.  Every penny is much appreciated.


While adults in Scotland are still required to socially distance, our staggered starts and stops will need to continue.  This means we now know there will be no change to this before the summer.  We must continue to work together to ensure we limit the chance of the virus spreading around our school community.  Please remember that adults are required to wear a face covering (unless exempt) and keep a 2m distance from other families at the school and nursery gates.   Today we tried a slight difference at the infant gates.  Many thanks to everyone who patiently worked with me to see if we can improve on our previous routines.  Many people commented that they saw this as a positive change, so we will continue with it next week, making any further adaptations as necessary.


Many thanks to our Parent Council who today delivered hoodies for all 46 of our P.7 pupils.  As you can see they went down a storm!  Thank you the willing volunteers who were keen to model them for a photo shoot…on the hottest day of the year!!  I know they will wear them with pride throughout Term 4 and beyond.


We are delighted welcome some students to both our school and nursery this term.  It is a pleasure to work alongside our colleagues from college and university as we help coach the future workforce.  Please be assured that this does not breach any COVID-19 restrictions.


Remember school and nursery will be closed for the May Day holiday on Monday 3rd May.  There is also an In-Service Day across North Lanarkshire Council on Thursday 6th May, when pupils should not attend.

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