Mrs N’s Notes, 12.3.21

Here we have Week 2 menus for next week; Nursery Loving Lunches above and the school menu below.



At last, the time has come for us all to get back together in person.  Our Nursery – P.3 pupils have settled in well over these past 3 weeks and I expect the same from our older pupils as we get back into a new working routine for the last 3 weeks of this term.  We will keep the same staggered starts, stops and breaks we have been operating since August:

8.50am-2.50pm – Rooms 5 & 16

9.00am-3.00pm – Rooms 8, 15 & 14

9.10am-3.10pm – Rooms 9 & 10


PE continues to be outdoors only, so pupils should come to school dressed for outdoor sports on the following days:

Rm 5 – Tue & Wed

Rm 8 – Tue & Fri

Rm 9 – Mon & Thu

Rm 16 – Tue & Wed

Rm 15 – Mon & Thu

Rm 10 – Tue & Fri

Rm 14 – Mon & Wed

Don’t forget suitable shoes and an outdoor jacket too!



As always, we would encourage everyone to walk, scoot or cycle to school or nursery if this is possible.  If you must travel by car, please consider parking a short distance from the gates and walking the final part.  This helps us to limit air pollution and traffic congestion in the immediate surroundings.  Please remember there is a MAXIMUM speed limit of 20mph outside our building before and after the school-day.  Thank you to all those who adhere to this strictly, in order to keep our children safe.  Please remember too, to avoid the zig zag yellow lines  in front of the school and always park legally.  The car park continues to be for STAFF ONLY.



Breakfast Club restarts for all on Monday morning at 8.15am.  The usual charges apply.  Any child not attending Breakfast Club should not enter school grounds until 8.45am at the earliest, when staff will be at attendance at the gates.



We know that most families have taken books home to use during this period of home learning and we are delighted at the uptake here.  However, can we now ask that these are all returned to school at your earliest convenience?  We DO NOT want jotters or other written work returned – READING BOOKS or TEXTBOOKS ONLY, thank you.



Please note that our school office is open at the following times:

8.30am – 4.00pm    Monday -Thursday

8.30am – 3.45pm     Friday



Please see the links below that will explain more about NLC proposals for a new Town Hub for Coatbridge.

Town and Community Hub Video –                            

Location Video Link –                                                       

Survey Link where you can have your say:           



Can I take this opportunity to thank YOU for all you have done to support us over this past 9 week period of home learning?  Without the dedication of our entire staff team, our parents and most importantly our pupils, we wouldn’t be in this positive position to confidently welcome everyone back, knowing we have stayed connected throughout.  THANK YOU!  Now have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday morning, ready for the next chapter of 2021!

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