Mrs N’s Notes ~ 21.8.20

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Well, what a busy first full week we have had.  From our youngest to our oldest learners, everyone is working hard, learning new rules and showing the team-spirit we have come to expect at Kirkshaws.  I cannot thank you enough for your support at home, preparing the children to return to school.


We are reviewing our health and safety procedures daily at the moment.  Several new measures were put in place for our return last week but we continue to look for ways to tighten these up and make them even more robust.  The school has a thorough clean each night, but we also now have a lunch-time clean too, ensuring your child is working in a safe environment.  If there is any aspect of school-life causing you concern, do not hesitate to bring it to my attention.


Like you, we had hoped the staggered start and finish times would be a temporary measure.  In reality, we cannot see how we can relax these as long as adults are being asked to socially distance.  The morning drop-off is running smoothly, but with more rainy days looming, please remember to drop your child off as close to their start time as possible to avoid them having to wait in the rain.  P.4-7 pupils are becoming more confident meeting parents and carers at a meeting point a short distance from the gate, so this helps to alleviate congestion too.  Primary 1 pupils will continue to be dismissed in the playground at this time; please limit this to one adult per family to allow for maximum distancing.  P.2 & 3 pupils will continue to be dismissed individually; there is no alternative on such a busy road.  Can I thank all our parents for distancing in the queue and for moving away from the school gates as quickly as possible to keep everyone safe.  Please remember the staff carpark cannot be used for dropping off or collection of pupils at any time.  We would thank you for parking legally a short distance from the school gates, even on wet days.  If we work at this together we will achieve our shared aim; to allow our children to leave school quickly and safely.


I know that many children are now bringing schoolbags each morning.  I understand that if your child has snacks, lunch and a water bottle it may be easier to put it all in a bag.  We will support you if you wish to provide your child with a schoolbag, but we also understand if you would rather not have this travelling back and forward to school.  You need to do what suits your family best.  Similarly, we know that some children are desperate to bring their own pencil case to school.  If your child does this they will be reminded that they must not share any resources with a friend.  PLEASE NOTE PUPILS ARE STILL NOT ALLOWED TO BRING TOYS OR GAMES FROM HOME.


In line with Government Guidelines we will continue to take playtimes and lessons outdoors at every opportunity.  Please make sure your child comes to school each day with a waterproof jacket and shoes suitable for the weather.  Timetabled outdoor PE starts next week.  Pupils should come to school wearing an outdoor PE kit, with a school sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan on top.  There will be no opportunity to change for gym.


Please remember we are a Nut-Free Zone.  Please check packed lunches and snacks carefully to ensure there are no nut-based ingredients in spreads, cereal bars, etc.  We have some children in school who have nut allergies and even having nuts in the same room can be dangerous.


Usually at this time of the year we look forward to inviting you in to ‘meet the teacher‘ and let your child show you what they have been learning in their first weeks in a new class.  We are still not allowing any visitors into our building due to the international pandemic.  However, we are looking at alternative ways to keep us connected!  Watch this space for ways we plan to keep in touch.  If you need to speak to a member of staff, please call the school office to arrange a telephone-meeting.  If, in an emergency situation, you need to visit the school, be prepared to share your personal information for Test & Protect and wear a face-covering whilst here.


Week 3 already!?!  Please discuss the menu below with your child.


I hope you all have a safe and restful weekend.  This new way of working is exhausting for us all, but we’re in it together.  I do believe that Team Kirkshaws will come out of this stronger!


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