Mrs N’s Notes, 24.4.20

Good afternoon, everyone!

Here we are – Friday already.  We have seen some lovely weather this week, so I hope you have managed to get outside, even for just a little while.  I have been taking my dog, Max, for a walk as my daily exercise and I’ve even started jogging for a little bit of our walk!  This is NEW for me, so I’ll see how long I can keep it up!  We are learning to adapt to very different situations these days and I know we are all trying to make the best out of where we find ourselves now and will continue to help each other in this too. Some wee changes we put in place just now might actually be good for us longterm!

I am in touch every day with the whole staff team. We are all safe and well and want you to know we are missing you, but we will continue to work away behind the scenes to make sure you have all your home learning needs.  We continue to upload learning ideas to the Piota Schools App and the school website every Sunday night, but we are trying to think of other ways we can support you too…

I went into school earlier this week and gathered together some jotters and pencils.  The KeyStore across from our school has very kindly agreed to hold these items behind the counter for you.  If any family from Kirkshaws, or St. Timothy’s, goes in and asks, you will be given what you need.  There are jotters with blank, lined and squared paper, so don’t be stuck.  If you need paper or a new pencil, just ask! However, this does not mean I am expecting you to be completing loads of written work.  Absolutely not! Some children enjoy writing or drawing, others prefer learning by DOING.  Both ways of working are absolutely fine and you should continue with what works best for you.  In school we try to teach SKILLS FOR LEARNING, LIFE AND WORK.  This is your ideal chance while at home this term to practise those skills that don’t fit naturally into a lesson in the classroom.  I’ve seen some fabulous photos and videos of children who have learned how to ride a bike, bake a cake, learn a new sport, design a small plot in the garden, learn new artistic skills, the list goes on!

Please continue to send us photos or documents to show us what you’ve been up to.  It gives you a wider audience to celebrate your achievements, gives learning a purpose in some cases and keeps us up to date with your progress.  This can be done through Twitter, or by email, however we are looking at extending the ways we can communicate with each other.  From next week you will be provided with email addresses for your own teacher, as well as those for the Management Team.  While Mr Sharp, Mrs McGarry and I love seeing all you have been up to, we know you want to show your own teachers too.

We are also hoping to make use of Glow more over coming weeks.  This can be used to chat with your teachers and classmates about your learning and you can also send documents back and forward easier.  Please make sure you can access your Glow account this coming week, then we’ll be ready to explore it a bit more during the week starting 4th May.  Mr Sharp has been busy making videos to help you do this, so don’t worry – help is at hand.

Some families have been asking if I have any ‘inside information’ about a return date for school. I do not. I am watching the news with interest, just as you are.  We will be in touch whenever we hear of any firm plans for a change to lockdown procedures.

I know that many of you are most concerned about the transition plans we had in place for our P.7 pupils and our new P.1s.  Any pupils moving to Coatbridge High School should take a look at their Twitter feed and school website as there is lots of valuable information being posted there to help you prepare for next session.  We have our Kirkshaws Induction Packs all ready to be delivered to our new P.1 intake.  These will be delivered by hand during the week beginning 4th May.  As always, we are at the end of an email of you want to get in touch.  Leave a contact telephone number if you would rather talk to us in person.  Don’t worry… let us try to help!

Finally, I have some exciting staffing news to share.  Mrs Harkness returns from her maternity leave on Monday.  This will not affect the learning taking place in Room 2 at this time, as Miss Giuliani is staying with us and will continue to prepare the learning for P.2/1 at this time. Also, many of you will remember Mrs Mitchell who left in August 2017 to go on a secondment. This week we are delighted to welcome Mrs Mitchell back as Principal Teacher in Kirkshaws.  I know you will all be desperate to welcome both ladies in person when we get the chance to get together again.

But for now, make the most of this lovely weather while it lasts, take a break from home learning over the weekend and stay safe!

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