Mrs N’s Notes ~ November 2018

A LISTENING SCHOOL – that’s what we like to call ourselves, but what does this look like?

Every member of staff at Kirkshaws is here to listen to  your concerns, opinions or news.  We listen to our pupils, our parents, the wider community and our staff. We take everything you say seriously and will report back to you if we don’t have an immediate answer or solution to your problems.

This time last year we asked what made Kirkshaws unique and what changes you felt would make our school even more special.  Many of the suggestions, such as the school app, were put in place fairly quickly, but some others take time to develop.  You suggested a bigger school show.  One year down the road and that idea is almost a reality!  This Christmas we are proud to present Cinderella and Rockerfella, a modern twist on a traditional panto.  Our pupils are all working hard, so be sure to buy your tickets when they go on sale next week.

Last week we asked your opinion about how we could further develop mathematics and numeracy in partnership with home.  Thanks to your input we now have a clear plan as to our future developments here.  Parent Guides, an open afternoon and workshops are all in the pipeline for the new year.  The results from the survey will allow us to target this to the specific areas you find tricky at home – division seems to be top of the list!

We know many of you are concerned about the traffic congestion around the school at 9am and 3pm.  We are listening!  Our Parent Council continue to work on this and, in partnership with our JRSOs, we hope to launch a new Walk to School drive in the Spring.

Our pupils love to share their achievements at weekly assemblies. Why?  Because we value every one of them, and they know it.  We are here to praise, encourage and congratulate.  Please continue to send in trophies, awards and certificates that your children have achieved in their clubs outwith school.  We want to share in ALL their learning!

Keep us informed.  Keep us in the loop.  Keep talking – we are listening!

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