The Week Ahead ~ 3-7 Sept 2018

Week 1 menu this week. Please take time to discuss the meal options with your child.  Primary 1 parents may wish to send a note of their lunch order with their child.  Ask your child to give it to their teacher first thing in the morning.  That is when lunches are ordered.

Please remember to return all photographer letters and also any Data Check forms that may still be lying around at home.  It is vital we have all pupil information up-to-date as soon as possible.

Homework starts properly across the school this week.  Look out for home-learning grids in schoolbags.

Monday Advertiser photographer in school for P.1 group photo.  Smiles and uniforms at 9am!!

P.7 Bikeability continues this afternoon. All pupils involved are aware of the arrangement.

LIBRARY OPENING and the launch of our Literacy Hub Club Family Learning Group.  Please pop in to visit our new-look Library area and meet our new CLD worker, Martin Bell.  All books are available on loan.

Our Parent Council meets in the staffroom at 7pm.  ALL parents are invited to come along and hear what plans we have for the coming year.

Tuesday Does an early morning slot suit you better than after school?  Our Library Hub Club will also run on a Tuesday morning from 8am-9am.

Photographer in school for family group shots.  See information letter for details.

Wednesday Photographer in school – individual photos today.

Trials for the school football team after school today. All interested pupils have already been given information letters.

Mrs Nicolson working with our Self-Improving Schools group to ensure we are continually striving to provide our learners with the best opportunities.

Thursday Our RRSA committee will meet for the first time this session.
Friday Pupil Voice Assembly.
Looking ahead to the following week, we will be joining schools across the country as we celebrate Maths Week Scotland.

Remember, our Meet the Teacher afternoon will take place later this month on 19th September.


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