The Week Ahead ~ 27-31 August 2018


Week 3 menu this week. Please take time to discuss the meal options with your child.  Primary 1 parents may wish to send a note of their lunch order with their child.  Ask your child to give it to their teacher first thing in the morning.  That is when lunches are ordered.
Monday Mrs Nicolson meeting with Community Learning & Development staff today with a view to a greater involvement with our families.
Tuesday Mrs McGarry working alongside local nursery classes to develop a shared framework for progression of skills.
Wednesday Work continues in our Library, ready for the big reveal!

Bikeability starts for P.7 (pupils involved are aware)

Friday Celebration Assembly.
Looking ahead to the following week we will have our first meeting of the Parent Council on Monday 3rd September.

It will be a week of photographs too – remember to return your photograph letter and take note of the day your pics will be taken.



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