Mrs N’s Notes ~ 24th August 2018

Well, with the first full week of the year under our belt, it is a great time to sit back for a moment and reflect on the start of a new session.  It has been a pleasure to welcome back all our returning learners and get to know those pupils who are joining us for the first time.

I must thank every family for all the effort that has gone into turning each pupil out in a uniform.  Every Kirkshaws pupil is wearing their uniform with pride, from P.1 to P.7!  Please remember we have a fairly healthy uniform bank of quality second hand uniforms.  If you would like to add to your own uniform stock, simply give me a ring, or drop in at the school office.

Primary 1 pupils are settling into their classrooms and school routines with ease.  They are coping well with moving around the school and following instructions in the classroom, dinner hall and playground.  Super Stars!  On Friday they joined us for a little time at Assembly.  We only expected them to stay for 20 minutes or so, but they stayed with us almost double that time!  It won’t be long until they are just as involved as their older friends.

As you can see, we are all settling into new classes and getting to know new teachers.  Work in class is well under-way, but homework will not start for another week.  Some pupils may bring home a reading book beforehand, but look out for homework grids coming home on Monday 3rd September.

Weekly assemblies have started on Fridays, so remember to bring in any achievements from out of school so we can celebrate successes together.  Our House Captains and Vice Captains have been elected and House Points are already being earned.  P.7 monitors are helping in the infant playground, in classes and in the dinner hall.  We have another responsible group of senior pupils this year who are shaping up to continuing the excellent example set by last years P.7s.  So proud to have a school full of Responsible Citizens!

It is shaping up to being another busy year…bring it on, Kirkshaws!

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