Mrs N’s Notes, 22.6.18

It has been an emotional week full of opportunities to reflect on the year that has passed, whilst planning for the year ahead.

I can’t quite believe that we are coming to the end of my first full year at Kirkshaws.  It has been the quickest of years, getting to know all of our young people and their families as well as working in partnership with the full staff team and members of the local community.  This week gave us the opportunity to reflect on some of our achievements this year as we performed our Summer Assemblies.  I have never been more proud of every member of the Kirkshaws community, as everyone played their part with a huge smile on their faces.

Golden Day allowed us to celebrate the effort every pupil has put into their learning this year.  Each individual was rewarded to show them just how much their daily contribution is appreciated by their teachers.  Our Disco Night was another huge success.  Thanks to our Fundraisers, we were able to laugh, sing and dance the night away.

Then we ended the week by looking ahead towards next year.  Everyone was excited to meet their new teacher and plan for a new start in August.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support over recent months and wish you all a relaxing holiday when it comes.  It has been a wonderful year and I am looking forward to many more!

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