The Week Ahead ~ 11-18 June

Week 3 menu this week. Please take time to discuss the meal options with your child.  Primary 7 parents should note that excess money on lunch cards cannot be transferred to high school.  However, it can be transferred to a sibling within Kirkshaws.  Over the next few weeks, P.7s should aim to only add money to their cards that they will actually use before the end of term.

Summer Assembly tickets are still on sale this week.  Tickets on sale each day from the office between 11.30-12.00 & 2.00-3.00.  Each family has been allocated 2 tickets, but if there are any extra tickets available, these will go on sale on Wednesday, 13th June.

Monday Rooms 3, 4, 10, 15 & 16 are all heading out today.  They are taking their learning to the Glasgow Science Centre.  (Should be a very quiet school for a few hours!)

St Ambrose P.7 induction, day 1.

After School Clubs today:  P.4-7 Football, P.1-3 Fitness

Tuesday It is the Nursery’s turn to head off on an educational excursion today.  They will be spending the day at Wellsfield Farm Park.

St Ambrose P.7 induction, day 2.

Whole school assembly practice today

P.5-7 Archery & P.1-3 Judo at 3pm today.


Wednesday 9.30am – RRSA Steering Group Meeting.

3pm – P.4-7 Theatre Arts, P.3-7 Family Crochet & P.1-4 Family Gardening

Thursday Enterprise Event organised by Rooms 9 & 10 this afternoon.

3pm – P.1-3 Family Cooking, P.5-7 Netball, P.2-4 Archery

Friday Celebration Assembly.

Mrs Nicolson to a Foundation Apprenticeship event.

Looking ahead to the following week: Disco tickets will go on sale on Monday 18th June, with the discos planned for 21st June.

Our Summer Assemblies will take place on 18th & 19th June – tickets currently on sale from the school office.

Our Nursery Fundraiser is planned for 20th June.

Golden Day, for all those who have earned it, will take place on 21st June.

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