The Week Ahead ~ 4-8 June


Week 2 menu this week. Please take time to consider the meal options with your child.

After school clubs continue this week, with Judo starting back on Tuesday.

Summer Assembly tickets go on sale this week.  Tickets on sale each day from the office between 11.30-12.00 & 2.00-3.00.

Remember our new gates will be locked from 9.15am-2.45pm in order to keep our pupils safe in the playground.

If you intend to join us for our Induction Lunch on Thursday, please return your lunch order form as soon as possible.

Monday P.7 will travel home from Kilbowie today.  We expect them back around 2.30, but we will text/tweet when we have an accurate arrival time.

Oral Health Nurse checking on toothbrushing in Primaries 1-3.

After School Clubs today:  P.4-7 Football, P.1-3 Fitness

Tuesday Stage Assemblies today

P.5-7 Archery & P.1-3 Judo at 3pm today.

Wednesday Mrs McGarry visiting St Mary’s Nursery for transition.

3pm – P.4-7 Theatre Arts, P.3-7 Family Crochet & P.1-4 Family Gardening

Thursday 10.00-12.00 ~ Induction Event, including lunch with a parent.

Mrs McGarry visiting Viewpark Nursery to enhance our transition to P.1.

3pm – P.1-3 Family Cooking, P.5-7 Netball, P.2-4 Archery

Friday Celebration Assembly and House Points

Choir Rehearsal

Kodaly Music for P.5

Looking ahead to the following week, we have 5 classes visiting the Glasgow Science Centre on Monday 11th June and our Nursery Trip on Tuesday 12th June.

If there are any spare Assembly tickets, these will go on sale on Wednesday 13th June.

Rooms 9 & 10 are holding their Enterprise Day on Thursday 14th June.




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