Mrs N’s Notes, 27.4.18
Our week ended with a whole school Celebration Assembly. We sang the song ‘We All Need Encouragement‘ with such enthusiasm that it almost brought a tear to my eye. It summed up our entire week – a time of encouragement.
We were delighted to welcome 5 guests from the local authority into Kirkshaws this week to see how we are getting on. It was no surprise that our visitors were able to praise our learners for their impeccable manners, excellent behaviour, confidence in their learning, knowledge of their school, ownership of the work going on in school, respect for one another…the list goes on! They also visited classes to observe the learning and teaching across the school and nursery. Many thanks to the parents who contributed to the process too; adding your views to the overall picture. The purpose of the visit was to discuss our perception of our current position and review what we consider our next steps to be. I’m delighted to say that our visitors agreed that our self-evaluation was accurate and our targets are realistic.
But that wasn’t all that was going on this week…The Big Pedal started and, once again, it was most encouraging to see so many of the Kirkshaws community taking part. I take my hat off to Mr Sharp – making sure every bike and scooter is tied up every day is no easy task! On the two occasions I was in charge of unchaining them this week I managed to nearly knock myself out crawling around underneath them! However, it is well worth it to see the huge support for this project. We also saw some pupils improving their cycling skills this week – successful learners, even outwith the classroom! The Big Pedal continues next week, with a SuperHero Day planned for next Friday, with a £1 donation going to Sustrans.
In other news our Eco Committee and RRSA Steering Groups also met this week. We are so grateful to our pupils and staff who put in that extra effort and go the extra mile to push our school forward. We look forward to hearing of their next projects very soon.
Our Fundraisers have also been busy, working behind the scenes, planning their next Afternoon Tea next Thursday. We are indebted to the commitment of our parents too, who support the school continuously. We must continue to give them our encouragement for all that they do!
I must also thank everyone who took time to design a logo for the Kirkwood Community Council. I will forward all the designs to them on Monday to let them choose their favourite – it’s not going to be an easy task! They were all fabulous. And, of course, a huge WELL DONE to our pupils who have had recognition of their achievements outside school too. Learning doesn’t end at 3pm!
A special mention must also go to Mr Sharp, Mrs Harkness and Mrs Coventry who won the Staff Quiz, held after school in the Staff Room on Friday. They sneaked into the lead in the last round, knocking Miss Clowes, Miss Wyatt and Miss O’Dowd’s team into second place! Many thanks to Mr Gall for organising the event – a fitting end to a busy week.
So whatever role you played in the Kirkshaws Family this week, can I say “Thank you” because it is true – WE ALL NEED ENCOURAGEMENT!