The Week Ahead – 15.1.18
We have a busy week ahead enrolling for August. If you know of any pupils who are intending to start school this year please advise their parents to telephone the school office to make arrangements.
Clubs start back this week with a new range of after-hours learning opportunities. For some clubs we had so many interested participants that the clubs will need to run more than once over the term. Please refer to any letters sent home to check if your group is starting this week. |
Monday | Speech and Language Therapists will be in school today, training staff in the use of a new approach to building language.
3.00pm – Family Fitness, Cross Country & P4-7 Football. |
Tuesday | Some dental checks happening in school today.
3.00pm – Cheerleading & P.5-7 Archery. |
Wednesday | Box-Soccer Training for three classes starting today.
Entrepreneur Me work restarts in Rooms 9 & 10 following the Christmas break. 3.00pm – Dance, Knitting and P1-3 Football Clubs. |
Thursday | Primary 7 pupils will be working with Tree of Knowledge staff today learning how to make PERFECT PRESENTATIONS.
3.00pm – P.2-4 Archery & P.5-7 Netball. |
Friday | Our Celebration Assembly this morning, where we will award certificates for Marvellous Mathematicians!
3.00pm – Family Walking Football & Family Detective Clubs |