Mrs N’s Notes, 30th October – 3rd November 2017

From monsters and ghosts, to motivational speakers and gardeners…I’ve had them all in Kirkshaws this week!

This week saw my introduction to Hallowe’en, Kirkshaws style.  First of all I was amazed by the decorations that mysteriously ‘appeared’ in our hall, transforming the room for the disco.  HUGE THANKS to our Fundraisers, who took on that decorating task, left the decorations for the school to use on Tuesday, then magically made every pumpkin, skeleton and ghostly figure disappear before school on Wednesday morning!  How did they manage that?  It is these ‘little things’ that mean so much in the life of a school.  So, to those involved, I would like to say a personal thank you.  All your efforts were noticed and very much appreciated!

I was also blown away with the effort that was put into all the Hallowe’en costumes.  The imagination and artistic talent in Kirkshaws is truly astounding.  The teachers had the toughest job on Tuesday, picking winners from the fabulous costumes on display.  Our dinner ladies also put a huge amount of effort into decorating the dinner hall.  Once again, demonstrating that team-spirit that is always evident in our school and nursery.

It was also a busy week OUTSIDE.  The Bedrock Gardening Team was in, building a new mud kitchen and starting work on our nursery garden.  Unfortunately all their supplies did not arrive on time, so their second visit has been delayed for a few weeks, until all the necessary resources are in place.  Toni, the Community Gardener, continued her work with our Garden Gang on Thursday.  Together, they are making our school grounds winter-ready.  I’m sure you will agree with me that they are doing a fabulous job.  I am so proud of each and every one of the learners involved.  The front entrance to the school is looking great!

A member of North Lanarkshire Council’s Sustainable Travel Team also arranged to meet with me this week.  She carried out a spot-check on the behaviours of drivers around the school at 3pm on Thursday.  Unfortunately, her report included evidence of traffic parked on the zig-zag lines, cars blocking driveways of local homes, unauthorised vehicles using the staff carpark and increased levels of air pollution, due to idling engines at the school gates.  Working in partnership with our Junior Road Safety Officers, she is hoping to address some of these issues over coming months.  I am sure you will support us in making the school a safe environment for all our children.

I also had a meeting this week with a company which specialises in Growth Mindset.  We are looking at a package of workshops, aiming to motivate our learners, staff and parents!  More information coming soon.

Plans are underway to replace some classroom carpets and sink units over the coming weeks, so there may be a little disruption to classrooms as classes move out for a day or two to allow the necessary work to be done.  It will involve a little inconvenience, but it will be well worth it in the end!

Two pupils from St Andrew’s High School completed their week-long work experience placement with us too.  Both girls were enthusiastic, cheery, cooperative and able to show initiative when necessary.  It was a delight to be able to give such a glowing report to their teachers on Friday.  I wish them well in their future careers.

Some senior pupils visited Asda towards the end of the week to help raise money for their Tickled Pink campaign.  As we have benefitted from the help of Asda in our own fundraising ventures, it felt right this week to be giving something back to the community, supporting this cancer charity.

Of course, this is only a fraction of what has gone on this week.  I haven’t even started telling you about the learning yet…


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