North Lanarkshire Council has made available free Solihull training for all families living within North Lanarkshire with an associated postcode. This learning opportunity is available to support general parenting guidance.

Solihull training is used for our own staff development and this is a fantastic opportunity to access this resource free of charge.

Please click on the links below to find out more about this and the course described below.

The access code will be LANERCH3.

The course described below has been adapted from this main Solihull training to specifically develop understanding of children with additional support needs.

Information for parents

This online course is for parents with a child with additional needs. It is for parents, relatives and friends of children who may have a physical or learning disability or who may have autistic traits. In the UK, you may be within the SEND (Special educational needs and disability) system. Some parents describe their child as differently abled, or neuroatypical.

This course is in 2 sections.

Level 1 lays the foundation for understanding your child.

Level 2 looks at some particular aspects of parenting: sleeping and anger management, together with more about how we interact with each other. Understanding this can make it easier to work with your child’s behaviour as well as supporting their development.

Once you finish Level 1 you can progress to Level 2 if you’d like to.






We have recently been contacted the General Motors Club, Holytown who have been collecting gifts and food to make up Christmas gifts and food parcels for families who would welcome some support this year.

All gifts and food parcels are ready to be handed out and would be dropped off at school for discreet collection. All the information they would need is the age and gender of the children to match a gift accordingly.

If there are any families from Holy Family that could benefit from this please email me in confidence at and I will liase directly with the General Motors Club to arrange this.

Frances S Wilson HT

P3 November Reflective Friday Post

November Reflection

We have had a very hard-working month as we wrapped up as Autumn came to an end.  We have still been spending lots of time outdoors and posted lots of photos on Twitter of us drawing amazing Fireworks in the playground.

We celebrated Book Week Scotland and the Headteacher of Mossend Primary School sent a very special video to us of her reading a story especially for our class.  We then wrote her Thank You letters telling her all about our favourite part of the book.

In Maths, we have concentrated lots of time on revising our knowledge of 2D shape.  We looked at the properties of a range of shapes and discussed edges and corners in order to identify triangles and quadrilaterals.  We are now focussing on all aspects of time from days/months/seasons to telling the time on the hour and half hour.  It would really help if you could talk about time at home as the children need lots of reinforcement of this important topic.

A great treat for P3 for 4 weeks is that we have a visiting PE specialist from Active Schools coming in to deliver outdoor activities every Tuesday.  Keep an eye on the school Twitter page for lots of photos.

As you will understand, December will be super busy in school with lots of lovely treats and activities planned from our virtual pantomime, Christmas Lunch, Christmas Jumper Day and Class parties.  Keep an eye on Twitter and make sure you keep a copy of this month’s newsletter handy for important dates.

Mrs Cook x

P4/5’s Reflective Friday post for November

Looking back over this last month, we have achieved a lot here in P4/5! After the Hallowe’en celebrations, it was soon Bonfire Night and then Remembrance Day. This gave us some great opportunities to make beautiful artwork – we hope you enjoyed seeing it when the children brought home their pieces. The children have started their Christmas-themed Art; having made reindeer pictures already.

We will continue getting arty during December. There are so many restrictions in place at the moment, Art is something we can all do safely and can be a great way to take our minds off any worries.

The boys and girls have been working hard in Maths. We do Daily Ten mental maths warm-ups, Number Talks where we explore different ways to calculate the answers, and have been focusing on times tables recently, too. We also started looking at measure and the children knew that the safe distance adults are meant to keep is 2 metres, but they were surprised to see how long 2 metres really is! We also made hugs to send to a loved one of their choice. We hope these were well-received. Here are some photos of them being made:

The boys and girls have especially enjoyed reading their reading books this month for Literacy and got a special treat in Book Week Scotland of being able to bring in their own books and read more in class. Some of our fabulous pupils also volunteered to read books for the nursery children and we all made bookmarks to use in our favourite books. What’s your favourite book?


Primary 2/3’s Reflective Friday 27th November 2020.

Welcome to Primary 2/3’s Reflective Friday post for November.

Another busy and hardworking month in primary 2/3. This week we have been reflecting on and discussing our achievements over the last few weeks and the children have all worked really well and I am delighted with their progression.

Our target this month was to try really hard to stay in our seats in order to keep everyone safe. The children all try really hard to stay in their class bubble.

This month we have agreed to look at Maths and how we could improve in this area. This month the children have all identified a personal target that they are going to work towards and I am sure that they will as always work really hard to achieve success in this.

In Maths we have spent a great deal of time working on addition and subtraction and I feel that the children are really confident in applying strategies to solve both written and mental calculations. We will continue to do this throughout the year through our Number Talks. This week we will be applying our skills and moving on to look at multiplication. The children will be looking at 2, 4, 5 and 10 times tables.

In Literacy the children have been learning trickier words and applying word attack strategies when reading and writing in class. They have been listening to popular fairy tales and are developing the ability to pick out the important parts of the story. We are now practising our letter writing skills with our first letter sent to Santa asking very nicely for a class elf. I hope he has heard our plea! We will continue to develop our skills in letter writing over the next few weeks. Please continue to support your children with handwriting and letter formation during any written homework tasks. I can see a real improvement in their handwriting.

In addition to our Christmas preparations and celebrations we are continuing to remember the real meaning of Christmas and the children will be learning about Advent as a time of preparation. We will be discussing ways that we can make a difference through our acts of kindness. We are still also looking at our Knights and Castles topic and the children really are very enthusiastic when discussing this. I have asked them to complete a personal project over the next few weeks, researching Scottish Castles. Choosing their favourite and explaining why? They should be able to share with us who lived there and when, battles or important dates and should also be able to identify the features of the castle.

I hope that the next few weeks will bring some well-deserved, fun, festive cheer for the children who have all adapted remarkably and worked incredibly hard during this first term.

Primary 7 Reflective Friday November 

Welcome to Primary 7’s Reflective Friday post for November. 

In literacy we have started working on new novels. Some children are enjoying reading Wonder, whilst others are reading Mosi’s War. We are focusing on our comprehension of both books and have been spending time discussing and writing about what we have been reading. We are also continuing to work on grammar, spending time on the correct use of apostrophes.  We have all really enjoyed learning to write persuasive arguments and have all become very good at this.


In numeracy we are have focused on multiplication, working hard to practise both mental strategies for multiplication and the standard written method. We are also working very hard to improve our speed and accuracy recalling times table facts. We are now regularly completing a timed challenge to recall our tables facts as quickly as we can and each time trying to beat our personal best. The children are really enjoying this, for some it is absolutely a highlight of the week.


November is the month of the Holy Souls which we have been learning about in RE. We are continuing to learn both Hail, Holy Queen and Memorare, saying both each day.  The children have also enjoyed learning about Jesus and Justice looking for evidence in the Gospels of Jesus’ goodness and fairness.


Our theme until the end of term for learning across the Curriculum is Japan. We have been learning to say the numbers to 10 in Japanese and we have written the numbers and our names in Japanese Kanji too. We have been locating Japan on a world map and finding out lots of interesting facts about it’s capital city. As part of our work on Japan we are also learning about Volcanoes and The Ring of Fire.


We are very lucky to be working with two fantastic active schools co-ordinators every Tuesday until the end of term. Our first outdoor session with them was athletics. We sampled a range of athletics challenges last Tuesday, but the definite highlight was learning a new, and particularly tricky  game of “pairs tig” which we managed to include in our own Thursday PE session too.


We are looking forward to a very busy December with lots more interesting tasks and challenges.

Reflective Friday November P. 1 / 2

November has been so exciting in Primary 1 / 2. We have been working so hard and have learned lots.

In maths we have been working on Measure. We used a variety of different items to measure things on our desks. We also measured a huge octopus in the playground using our feet. We made estimations then compared our estimations to how long the octopus tentacles actually were.

We also weighed items from our desks using a pan balance and compared what items were lighter or heavier.

The Cubes group have also been working on ordering numbers to 10 and number names, and The Counters have worked so well on numbers to 100!

Within Literacy we have continued to work on new sounds and words. We have been learning how to do partner spelling and thought of lots of strategies to remember our common words. Within Writing, we have been working hard on narrative work and have produced some fantastic stories. We have even learned how to self-assess our work. Here are some of our Star Writers for November.


We have learned lots of new reading comprehension tasks recently and are getting so good at completing them independently. Here is one of our star pupils showing off her Beginning, Middle and End task.

During the Month of the Holy Souls we remembered those who have died and we thought about those people every day during prayers. We learned the Eternal Rest prayer and drew lovely pictures to remember them. We also learned about some Bible Stories this month; Jonah and the Whale and Noah’s Ark. We completed a variety of tasks and thought about how those stories could help us to be better people. We made our own Noah’s Ark with all the animals inside. Here are some of them on display in our classroom.

We have been working on three mini topics this month in our class; Bonfire Night/Fire Safety, Winter and Looking after the Planet. We loved hearing stories about Winter and our Winter Purposeful play sessions. where we enjoyed building ice castles for Elsa and writing our common words in the snow.


We also reflected on the story ‘The Lorax’ and thought about how we could help look after our planet too. Mrs Simpson is impressed as we are doing our bit to save the planet by always using our blue recycling paper bin in class.  The children have lots of other hints and tips to share with their grown-ups at home too!

Within Health and Wellbeing the children have been learning yoga. We have been learning to develop our strength, balance and confidence through lots of yoga poses. We understand that yoga can make us feel calmer and help us to regulate our emotions.

Some children have been finding homework tricky since we moved to our digital model. If you cannot find the homework, simply search for ‘Holy Family Primary and Nursery Class Glow Blog’ on Google. You select the first suggestion that appears which will take you directly to the correct website.

Each class has an individual tab at the top of the screen which you click on to select the current week’s homework. Please see photo as a guide.

If you have any questions or cannot find the homework, please either ask on Teams or write a note in your child’s diary. I have supplied a jotter for homework which should be handed in on Thursdays. Sumdog and Glow details were supplied again last week. They can be found inside your child’s diary. Homework is a very helpful tool for parents as this allows them to see what the children have been learning in school. It is also beneficial for pupils as it allows them to revise previously taught work.

We have been reflecting on November in class and the children have been thinking about the target they were set in their Learning Journeys. Please complete these at home with your child. Our new target for December is to reflect on the Nativity story. Please keep an eye on Twitter to see the children learning about the birth of our Lord.

Keep working hard primary 1/2. You are doing so well!

Primary 1 November 2020

Hello and welcome to our November Reflective Friday post.

Our class target for this month was to try to include a capital letter and full stop in a sentence. We have all tried so hard to try to add these in our writing. Some of us are working so well that we can write words and sentences all on our own now without over-writing! Brilliant work Primary 1!

We have decided that our next target will be to learn all about the Nativity story. We are going to reflect on the Nativity Story and think about what it means to us as we embark on the period of Advent.

In Literacy we are continuing to focus on the formation of our letters and to make sure that they are the correct size and face the right way. We have been learning lots about reading strategies and the ways that we can begin to read unfamiliar words. Some great tips we have talked about are to be a ‘Tommy Tracker’ and bounce our fingers on the words, to be a ‘Parrot’ and say the sounds out loud and to be a ‘Sammy Snake’ and blend the sounds together with our fingers to read words. Keep up the great work! Here we are enjoying books during Book Week Scotland.

This month, in RME we have been learning all about the Month of the Holy Souls and have been remembering our loved ones that are no longer with us. We have prayed for those who lost their lives in war when learning about Remembrance Day. Here are some of our poppy fields that we created with finger painting.

In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn about numbers and how to solve problems. We have been talking about teen numbers and we know that they are made of a ten and units. We really like chilli challenges and trying out the hardest sum that the teacher gives us to see if we can solve it. We call his being a ‘Mathmagician’! We have been measuring and learning lots of language associated with measurement. We really enjoy learning outdoors and having fun at the same time, so we try to take our learning outside as much as we can.

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