P4/5’s Reflective Friday post for November

Looking back over this last month, we have achieved a lot here in P4/5! After the Hallowe’en celebrations, it was soon Bonfire Night and then Remembrance Day. This gave us some great opportunities to make beautiful artwork – we hope you enjoyed seeing it when the children brought home their pieces. The children have started their Christmas-themed Art; having made reindeer pictures already.

We will continue getting arty during December. There are so many restrictions in place at the moment, Art is something we can all do safely and can be a great way to take our minds off any worries.

The boys and girls have been working hard in Maths. We do Daily Ten mental maths warm-ups, Number Talks where we explore different ways to calculate the answers, and have been focusing on times tables recently, too. We also started looking at measure and the children knew that the safe distance adults are meant to keep is 2 metres, but they were surprised to see how long 2 metres really is! We also made hugs to send to a loved one of their choice. We hope these were well-received. Here are some photos of them being made:

The boys and girls have especially enjoyed reading their reading books this month for Literacy and got a special treat in Book Week Scotland of being able to bring in their own books and read more in class. Some of our fabulous pupils also volunteered to read books for the nursery children and we all made bookmarks to use in our favourite books. What’s your favourite book?


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