Primary 1 January 2022 Update

Happy New Year from Primary 1! We were excited to get back to school, to see our friends and get back to our learning. To begin 2022 we talked about the things that we would like to get better at in our learning. We talked about this with our friends and teachers.

In Literacy we have been continuing to learn our alphabet sounds. We only have 4 sounds left to learn until we know all of them! We need to continue to work on our sounds at home to make sure we know them very well. Our magnetic boards help us to use our sounds to build words. Lots of our children can now read independently and Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Byrne are delighted that the children use their reading finger to jump from word to word, read from left to write and sound out their letters to blend/read their words. Fantastic work! We love reading and pick stories from our library every day. We are learning to write sentences independently and can write our own ideas in our stories. Our teachers remind us to write on the line, use finger spaces and full stops. We are continuing to learn more about capital letters and how to use them in our sentences. Here we are working hard on our literacy tasks.

In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn more about numbers. Some of us can even count all the way to 100! We are learning to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Ask us to show you how we can do this at home. Our teachers have been helping us to remember to write our numbers facing the correct way. We need to practise this every day. We have been learning all about money and can recognise coins up to £2. Over the next few weeks we are going to learn even more about adding coins, giving change and playing in our shop. Mrs Byrne has been helping us to learn more about measuring and we have had so much fun measuring in the classroom and playground.

We love to be healthy in Primary 1! We talk about how we feel every day and ‘check-in’ with our adults to talk about our emotions. Fuzzy Wuzzy our worry monster eats up all of our worries so that we can be happy and healthy at school. We have been enjoying getting fit and working as a team to play games and improve our skills. We created our own games and made rules for our friends to follow.

In RME we have been learning about how God created our world for us. We know that God created the seasons, plants and animals.  We will continue to learn about the 4 seasons that God created and thank God for his wonderful gifts. During our prayer time we are continuing to learn the Our Father, Hail Mary and praying the rosary together. We are very good at saying our Holy Family Prayer. Ask us to say our prayers at home to help us get even better at them.

We have chosen Scotland as our topic for this term and have enjoyed learning about Scottish Hogmanay. We talked about Scottish traditions and why Hogmanay is special for us. With our teachers we planned what we like to learn about during this topic. Mrs Stevenson’s dad let us borrow lots of exciting Scottish artefacts that we loved learning more about. Our favourite thing was the plaque with William Wallace on it.

We asked to learn about the Loch Ness Monster first. Here are our very own Nessie’s!

On 25th January we had a Burns celebration with our friends. We enjoyed Tunnock teacakes and some country dancing. We learned all about the Scottish Poet Robert Burns. After listening to 2 of Burns’ famous poems we coloured in some pictures of a rose and a mouse. We thought some of the Scots language was very funny and we are going to learn more about this.

We hope you enjoyed our update this month and will look forward to sharing what we get up to in February!

Primary 2 January 2022 Mrs Simpson

January has certainly been a fun filled month in Primary 2.

We were so happy to be back to school after the Christmas holidays, and we enjoyed spending time catching up with our friends.

In Literacy, we spent some time revising our previously taught common words and sounds before we began working on new learning.

This month we have been working very hard on handwriting and making our jotter work as neat as possible. We have spent lots of time learning to be more independent with our writing and to remember Charlie Checker’s core writing targets:

Writing on the lines

Capital letters

Full stops

Finger spaces

As our new class topic is Scotland, we had a great time writing about the Loch Ness Monster. Here are some of our super stories.

In Maths, we have been working on addition within 20. We started this topic with lots of revision of our number bonds to 10. We enjoyed using a variety of objects/resources to help us with this. Here are some of our hard workers working out number stories for 6,7,8 and 9.

We have also been working on Shape. We found out lots about 3D shapes and we made our own creations using spheres, cubes, cuboids, cylinders and cones. We also learned about the properties of a range of 2D shapes.

We used our prior knowledge of the birth of the Lord Jesus when we began our new topic within the R.E. syllabus ‘New Birth’. Within the topic we learned about Mary’s visit to see Elizabeth. We learned about the words that Elizabeth said to Mary and we linked those words to the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer we often say in class. These children wrote the prayer in their jotters beautifully.

We then researched new babies and welcomed a new baby into our class.

This is baby Rosie. We all helped to choose a lovely name for her. Our next steps are to think about Rosie’s baptism. We would love to hear about our Baptism and see photographs from our special day if our grown-ups can find any at home.

We absolutely love our new class topic; Scotland. We have covered lots so far. We were very lucky to have access to lots of Scottish artefacts brought in by Mrs Stevenson. We saw lots of interesting things such as a Quaich, a bodhran and some very old Scottish money. Thank you to Mrs Stevenson for letting us have a look!

We have enjoyed learning about Nessie and even made our own Nessie pictures. Here are a few of our artists hard at work.

We loved learning the Scottish version of Wee Willy Winkie and we designed our own character puppets.

On Burns day we learned about Robert Burns, learned to dance the Highland Fling and we even tasted a yummy Scottish treat; a Tunnoch’s Teacake.

When we came back to school in 2022 we learned about New Years Resolutions and we created our own. Lots of us decided that we wanted to become healthier this year, so we have been learning about healthy eating. We learned some facts about the different food groups and then we worked in pairs to decide what foods we should eat lots of, and what foods we should only eat a little bit of. We made some very sensible choices.

In February we will continue to work very hard on handwriting and our core writing targets. We are also looking forward to learning about other world religions. Keep an eye on Twitter for regular updates from Primary 2.

Parent Council Meeting

The next Parent Council meeting will take place tomorrow, Tuesday 18th January at 6.30 pm. We are hoping that as many of our parents/carers as possible will be able to support our school by joining this meeting. New faces always welcome!


The meeting will take place on WebEx. Please download this app prior to the meeting. Then click on the following link or copy it into your address bar-


We look forward to seeing you then.

P7 November update

November has been a very exciting month for primary 7. We have had a few visits from CNHS to our class to prepare us for our move there next year. We also enjoy weekly PE lessons with some of the students from CNHS, which are really fun.


In literacy we have been continuing with our weekly spelling words and work hard to learn them. It is important that we practise these at home as well as in school for our weekly tests. We are all working on our group novels, Mosi’s War, Kensuke’s Kingdom and Dragon Ride. We have weekly reading to be completed at home and it is important that we do this reading so we can complete tasks in the class. We have also been learning how to correctly use the apostrophe. This has been a little tricky but we are getting there now.


This month we have been focusing on multiplication. We need to make a real effort to learn these off by heart. We started by learning to multiply by 10, 100 and 100. This was easy but became tricky when we looked at multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. We have also been working on long multiplication and so far seem to be doing very well with this. We just need to remember to add our zeros (smiley faces).

Health and Wellbeing

This month we have been looking at peer pressure and how to tackle situations if we ever feel pressured into situations we don’t feel comfortable with. We have spoken about friendship and what makes a good friend.


We have continued to look at inheritance and DNA this month. We have a good idea about what DNA is and made the basic structures. We also have learned about inherited and non inherited traits. We are able to describe where some of our traits have came from.

Expressive arts

Following on from the visit from the firefighters at the start of November learning all about being safe on bonfire night, we create our own firework images using oil pastels and scratch art. These were very effective. We also used pointillism to create some autumn tree images.

We have had such an exciting November and cannot wait for our Christmas activities in the month of December.

Thank you for reading.

Mrs Anderson and Primary 7

Primary 6 November Update

Welcome to our Primary 6 November update. We have had a very busy month in our class. We would like to share what we have been doing with you all.

Maths – We have now been looking at multiplication and division. We all need to keep practicing our times tables but we are slowly starting to understand the process. We are really good with our multiplication and division of 10, 100 and 1000. After working hard on our maths strategies we have now developed a link between them both. We have been doing a range of active maths activities to deepen our understanding of problem solving.    

Literacy – We have now started our new novels and both groups are really enjoying them. The Dark Isle is a terrifying, touching and funny novel. It is fast paced that takes you on an exciting magical journey into a new world. Saving Finnegan is about an island in Scotland, and how a small island community is divided over what course of action to take about a stranded whale. This is a powerful and hugely enjoyable novel. We have all been working hard on our weekly spelling words and this is shown in our Friday spelling test results. 

RE – We have now completed Primary 6 God’s Loving Plan. All children acted in a mature responsible way and are now aware of the physical and emotional changes that will take place. We learned about St Margaret of Scotland on her feast day. We are now concentrating on St Andrew. We have learned all about his life and why he is the patron saint of Scotland. We enjoy celebrating St Andrew’s Day by drinking sugar free Iron – Brew and eating short bread, we also learned how to do the Scottish Fling dance. 

Science/ Topic – We have been successful learners by making our own flying helicopters and investing how air resistance has an effect on how they fly. We had lots of fun throwing them off the top floor and timing each one we made. Interestingly, our investigation showed the smaller helicopter was faster than the larger one. In December we are going to be making our own parachutes so look out for the pictures on twitter. We have been exploring capital cities and what makes them capital cities. A few we already knew about but others have really surprised us.   

H&W/ Emotion Works – We have been working hard in PE with Dodge ball and team games. Fitness has kept us warm outside with the weather. We have been practising our passing skills and learning the importance of a team. During Anti- Bullying week, we explored how to be a good friend and acted out different bulling scenarios.  

Expressive Arts – We created a lovely poppy day display and learned the importance of 11th November and why it is called Remembrance Day. We know how to be safe in Primary 6 after having a visit from the Strathclyde Fire department. We learned all about fireworks and bonfire safety when it was Guy Fawkes. We learned the story of Guy Fawkes and created our own firework pictures using oil pastels and black card. We have started to make Christmas stocking to display in the school for Christmas.  

Thank you for reading what we have been up to. We cannot wait till next month when we can update you all with our Christmas activities and show you all pictures of our decorated class this year. Pictures are always on Twitter so please have a look. 

God Bless From Primary 6 and Mrs Speirs 

Primary 2/3 November Update

Welcome to our P2/3 November learning update.

As always, we have been busy learning new concepts in numeracy and literacy and have been busy focussing on COP 26, Book Week Scotland and Anti-Bullying Week.

We researched the issues being discussed during COP 26 and watched Newsround each day to explore the important issues in a way that we could understand.  We created posters during writing time trying to encourage others to take care of our planet.

We were very lucky to each be given a special bag with books  and games to celebrate Book Week Scotland.  We had a very special visit from the children from Primary 6 who came to help us read and play the games in the bag, we loved our visit, thank you Primary 6!

In literacy we have been focussing on improving out writing through our core writing targets.  These include using the correct pencil grip, using capital letters, full stops and question marks.  We have been self assessing our own work so that we can learn from our mistakes and improve our writing.

In maths, we took advantage of learning all about money to tie in with Money Week.  We looked at what we can do with money, what coins and notes we use in the United Kingdom and we spent lots of time making amounts using different coins.  We found working out change from 10p, 20p and 50p quite challenging and we have been asked to try and play at shops at home to help us learn more about money.

One of the main  highlights this month has been that many of us have learned how to tie our shoelaces!  The teacher gave us lacing cards and taught us 2 different ways that we could learn this important skill.

We can’t wait for all of the fun that December brings and are practising for our eagerly anticipated Nativity Play, Wriggly Nativity.  Stay tuned for the very special showing!



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