Primary 2 January 2022 Mrs Simpson

January has certainly been a fun filled month in Primary 2.

We were so happy to be back to school after the Christmas holidays, and we enjoyed spending time catching up with our friends.

In Literacy, we spent some time revising our previously taught common words and sounds before we began working on new learning.

This month we have been working very hard on handwriting and making our jotter work as neat as possible. We have spent lots of time learning to be more independent with our writing and to remember Charlie Checker’s core writing targets:

Writing on the lines

Capital letters

Full stops

Finger spaces

As our new class topic is Scotland, we had a great time writing about the Loch Ness Monster. Here are some of our super stories.

In Maths, we have been working on addition within 20. We started this topic with lots of revision of our number bonds to 10. We enjoyed using a variety of objects/resources to help us with this. Here are some of our hard workers working out number stories for 6,7,8 and 9.

We have also been working on Shape. We found out lots about 3D shapes and we made our own creations using spheres, cubes, cuboids, cylinders and cones. We also learned about the properties of a range of 2D shapes.

We used our prior knowledge of the birth of the Lord Jesus when we began our new topic within the R.E. syllabus ‘New Birth’. Within the topic we learned about Mary’s visit to see Elizabeth. We learned about the words that Elizabeth said to Mary and we linked those words to the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer we often say in class. These children wrote the prayer in their jotters beautifully.

We then researched new babies and welcomed a new baby into our class.

This is baby Rosie. We all helped to choose a lovely name for her. Our next steps are to think about Rosie’s baptism. We would love to hear about our Baptism and see photographs from our special day if our grown-ups can find any at home.

We absolutely love our new class topic; Scotland. We have covered lots so far. We were very lucky to have access to lots of Scottish artefacts brought in by Mrs Stevenson. We saw lots of interesting things such as a Quaich, a bodhran and some very old Scottish money. Thank you to Mrs Stevenson for letting us have a look!

We have enjoyed learning about Nessie and even made our own Nessie pictures. Here are a few of our artists hard at work.

We loved learning the Scottish version of Wee Willy Winkie and we designed our own character puppets.

On Burns day we learned about Robert Burns, learned to dance the Highland Fling and we even tasted a yummy Scottish treat; a Tunnoch’s Teacake.

When we came back to school in 2022 we learned about New Years Resolutions and we created our own. Lots of us decided that we wanted to become healthier this year, so we have been learning about healthy eating. We learned some facts about the different food groups and then we worked in pairs to decide what foods we should eat lots of, and what foods we should only eat a little bit of. We made some very sensible choices.

In February we will continue to work very hard on handwriting and our core writing targets. We are also looking forward to learning about other world religions. Keep an eye on Twitter for regular updates from Primary 2.

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