Category Archives: Primary 6/7c

P6/7c Reflective Friday (April)

After weeks of preparation, many of our P6/7 children made the sacrament of Confirmation last week in Holy Family parish.  The children were confirmed by Bishop Toal.  This was a very special evening and the children were a credit to their families and school.

In Maths, we have been learning about Algebra in P6/7c.  The children are becoming more confident in solving equations involving missing letters.  They are also learning how to use information to make up and solve an equation.  Also, the children have continued their topic on Fractions, Decimals and Percentages with Mrs Le Blond.

P7 finished reading The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.  The children watched the film after completing the book and were able to compare the differences between book and film.  P7 then started a new novel called The Thief Lord.  As the book is set in Venice, P7 pupils have been carrying out some research on Venice to help them understand more about the setting.  P6 are finishing their novel study on Goodnight Mr Tom.  They are looking forward to watching the film and then starting a new novel.

Over the last few weeks the children have been taking turns at presenting their learning on WWII.  Some chose to use Powerpoint and others decided to use Sway.  The children carried out their research at home on a certain area that interested them e.g rationing, evacuation, the Holocaust.

Congratulations to P7 for coming 1st place in the Commonwealth Games event at Cardinal Newman High.  They had been preparing for this event for a number of weeks during weekly P.E lessons and we are very proud of you all!

We now have a display of all the Steven Brown inspired art work the children have completed.  After focusing on a few particular pieces of art, the children are now working on a Steven Brown piece of their own choice.

May is going to be an exciting month for P7 as the children are off to Kilbowie!  P6 are also excited about meeting the new P1 children and finding out who their buddy will be!


Motherwell/Bellshill Cross Country

Well done to the P5-7 cross country team for an excellent effort yesterday.  The children took part in the Motherwell/Bellshill competition at Dalziel Park.  We are so proud that every child completed the challenging course.  A few children improved on their personal best! A special congratulations to one of the P7 boys who came 3rd in his race and to the P5 boys who came 1st and 2nd in their race.  Our P5 boys team came 2nd overall in their category, as did our P6 boys team and P7 boys team!


*** School Trip to Summerlee 5/3/18 ***

Important information for parents of P6/7

We have organised a trip to Summerlee museum for our P6/7 pupils so that they can take part in a workshop related to their WWII topic.  As you are aware the school was closed for three days due to the weather and as a result we were unable to hand out permission slips.

All of the children in P6/7c, along with all P6 children from P6/7a and four P7 children from P6/7a are due to take part in the workshop tomorrow (5/3/18).

All of the children from P6/7b along with the other half of P6/7a are due to take part in the workshop on Friday (9/3/18).  We are taking P6/7 to Summerlee on two separate dates as the workshop can accommodate a maximum of 33 children at a time.

As we haven’t  had the chance to hand out permission slips before tomorrow, Mrs Dillon will send a text to parents first thing tomorow morning and we will use the general permission slips filled in at the start of the year. If you child is going on the trip tomorow it would be helpful if they could bring a packed lunch.  The children are due to leave after interval and will return before 3 pm.  If you do not wish you child to take part in the visit to Summerlee tomorow please contact the school tomorow morning.


Miss Gallagher

World book day!!

Happy world book day primary 6/7’s!!

Since the school is closed today just wanted to give you some activities to celebrate the day:

  • Curl up with your favourite book, remember to send us your reading pictures for some golden tokens.
  • Research your favourite author, you can take some notes on your glow word account.
  • Write a small paragraph about your favourite book, tell us why it is good.

Remember you can still do some of the activities Miss Gallagher posted yesterday. Have a good world book day everyone!!




P6/7c has been to Mossend P.S to be filmed for an anti- sectarianism video.  We also made friendship bracelets with the Mossend pupils.  We have been learning about equivalent fractions and also how to simplify them.  We are continuing to learn more about World War 2. So far we have learned about evacuees and the Blackout.  We are looking forward to learning more about the Clydebank Blitz and the Holocaust.  In art we have been studying the work of Steven Brown, particularly his piece called McCoo. In science we have looked at living things and classifying them into vertebrates and invertebrates.

We are looking forward  to the month of March for Fun Fridays.  We are especially looking forward to science week.

On behalf of P6/7c,     Emily and Cathal

Sportshall Athletics competition

On Friday, 26 of our upper school pupils took part in the Bellshill/Motherwell Sportshall Athletics competition.  They took part in a range of field and track events, including the triple jump, vertical jump, javelin and various races.  The children put in 100% effort to every challenge they participated in and we were absolutely delighted when we were announced as the overall winners!  Not only were the children awarded 1st place overall, they were also one of three schools given a good sportsmanship award.   Well done team- we are so proud of you all! 1st place in the Bellshill/Motherwell cluster now means that Holy Family will participate in the final in January.  Wish us luck!